01/03/04 | # 1
01/03/04 | # 2 Reassessing the restricted uses of Lindane Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Longe- Range Transboundary Air Pollution on Persistent Organic Pollutants Task Force on Persistent Organic Pollutants 1-3 March 2004 Ingrid Hauzenberger
01/03/04 | # 3 Conditions in the Protocol Article 3, Annex II HCH (CAS: ) Technical HCH (i.e. HCH mixed isomers) is restricted to use as an intermediate in chemical manufacturing Products in which at least 99% of the HCH isomer is in the gamma form (i.e. lindane, CAS: ) are restricted to the following uses: 1. Seed treatment 2. Soil applications directly followed by incorporation into the topsoil surface layer 3. Professional remedial and industrial treatment of lumber, timer and logs 4. Public health and veterinary topical insecticide. 5. Non-aerial application to tree seedlings, small-scale lawn use, and indoor and outdoor use for nursery stock and ornamentals 6. Indoor industrial and residential applications
01/03/04 | # 4 Conditions in the Protocol „All restricted uses of lindane shall be reassessed under the Protocol no later than two years after the date of entry into force.“ 23. October 2005
01/03/04 | # 5 Information Dossier in July 2002 Main outcome*: Restricted uses stated in the protocolStatus in responding countries 1. Seed treatment and logsTerminated in EU-Countries (2002) and Canada (12/2004), Reported by 1 country 2. Soil applications directly followed by incorporation into the topsoil surface layer No longer supported 3. Professional remedial and industrial treatment of lumber, timer Reported by 4 countries 4. Public health and veterinary topical insecticide Reported by 9 countries 5. Non-aerial application to tree seedlings, small-scale lawn use, and indoor and outdoor use for nursery stock and ornamentals No longer supported 6. Indoor industrial and residential applicationsReported by 4 countries * 46 % of UN-ECE MC responded
01/03/04 | # 6 OSPAR, 2002 Lindane Dossier under the OSPAR Convention Actions: - Investigations of biocidal uses - Promotion of severe restriction/ban of all uses - Inclusion in the Stockholm POP Convention?
01/03/04 | # 7 Biocides, 2003 Lindane and the BPD 98/8/EC December 2003, 2. EU-Review Regulation Notification for product-type 3 (veterinary hygiene biocidal products) Consequence: Submission of a full dossier by the latest of 31. July 2007
01/03/04 | # 8 EU-POP Regulation, 2003 Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Persistent Organic Pollutants and amending Directives 79/117/EEC and 96/59/EC First draft in June com2003_0333en01.pdf
01/03/04 | # 9 Regulation Proposal Biocidal and pharmaceutical uses seem still to exist in some Member States and possibly also in some Candidate Countries. Total ban of production, marketing and use is not yet regarded possible. Consequence: Lindane is listed in Annex II
01/03/04 | # 10 Regulation Proposal European Parliament: Adoption on 27/2/2004 HCH (including Lindane) is listed in Annex I (Substances for prohibitons) Phase out by the end of 2007 at the latest
01/03/04 | # 11 Regulation Proposal By way of derogation, Member States may allow the following uses until : 1. Professional remedial and industrial treatment of lumber, timber and logs; 2. Indoor industrial and residential applications. until : 1. Technical HCH for use as an intermediate in chemical manufacturing; 2. Products in which at least 99% of the HCH isomer is in the gamma form (lindane) are restricted for use as public health and veterinary topical insecticide.
01/03/04 | # 12 Activities outside the EU Lindane Re-registration Eligibility Decision, completed in 2002 Formation of the Lindane Task Force Development the North American Regional Action Plan for Lindane under the auspices of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation for North America
01/03/04 | # 13 Perspectives New information from the questionnaire in UN-ECE MC Prohibition of lindane by 2007 in the EU Activites under the North American Regional Action Plan Up-date of Lindane Dossier in the light of the new developments and data (Isomers, Alternatives,) Recommendations on restricted uses