Keys To Successful Reading
What are the keys to successful reading? Communication Assessment Reading Strategies Engagement
COMMUNICATION Language provides the building blocks for communication connects us with those around us the foundation for expression unlocks doors for reading and writing
COMMUNICATION Language can be conveyed through a variety of domains Speech Cued Speech Visual/Conceptual Pictures Written Formats Gestures
Language is ever changing and complex in nature! Instilling a love of language and communication in children is the first step to unlocking the world of literacy. Discovering which mode communication works best for the student is the first key element required to academic success.
Why is assessment so important? helps to evaluate a student’s strengths and needs.
The goals of assessment are: To plan instruction Support students Promote self-evaluation
Assessment becomes a part of the learning process for teachers and students.
Reading Strategies Incorporate a Constructivist Model Make the learner the center of instruction Learner creates knowledge by linking new information with past e knowledge Teacher negotiates with students how to study the curriculum Includes students in day-to-day planning Students talk about their reading and writing in order to learn and connect ideas Talk is often self evaluative
Reading Strategies E-mail each other Shared reading Writing activities Cut out sight words Illustrate stories Color code characters Make a PowerPoint Make comic strips
Guided Reading Copy one-page articles on overhead transparencies and as a class read/sign the story together. Underline idiomatic phrases that are not signed literally. Also, mark and discuss unfamiliar words and points that require background knowledge.
ENGAGEMENT We must work to build the Learning Pyramid Average Retention Rate After 24 Hours Lecture _____5% Reading _________10% Audio-Visual_________ 20% Demonstration __________30% Discussion Group____________50% Practice by Doing_______________75% Teacher Others/Immediate Use of Learning___ 90% (Sousa, D., (1999). How the Brain Learns. Restin, VA: NAASP.