Mapping Career Management Skills — A WP1 perspective — Peer Learning meeting: Vilnius, 5-7 May 2009 Ronald G. Sultana WP1 members: Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, UK (Scotland).
Main points Recalling main goals for WP1 Recalling your needs and interests Overview of mapping exercise: - Defining CMS (what?) - Typical content of CMS - Justifying CMS (why?) - Location of CMS (where?) - LLL dimension of CMS (when?) - CMS staff (who?) - Teaching and assessing CMS (how?) - Key issues for CMS
WP1: recalling main goals Identify existing competence frameworks. Map existing practice. Identify how the CMS competences are assessed. Explore how CG can support CMS development (LL). Identify how CMS practitioners are trained. Develop a framework of CMS for EU citizen Define CMS within framework of EU Key Competences for LLL.*
EU Key Competences for LLL DomainsLinks to CMS 1. Communication in mother tongue 2. Comm in a foreign language 3. Math, Science, Technological literacy 4. Digital competence 5. Learning-to-learn 6. Interpersonal and civic competences 7. Entrepreneurship 8. Cultural expression
EU Key Competences for LLL DomainsLinks to CMS 1. Communication in mother tongue - Able to search, collect, process written information - Able to distinguish relevant from irrelevant data 2. Comm in a foreign language- Able to work with diversity 3. Math, Science, Technological literacy - Manage a budget - Disposition towards critical thinking - Able to manipulate tools & data to reach a conclusion 4. Digital competence- Able to use internet-based data and services - Able to use IST to support critical thinking, creativity and innovation at leisure and work 5. Learning-to-learn- Effective self-management of learning and careers* 6. Interpersonal and civic competences - Able to interact effectively with institutions - Able to profit from opportunities given by EU - Able to distinguish between work & personal life 7. Entrepreneurship- Skills in project development, implementation - Able to identify one’s strengths and weaknesses - Able to take assess and take risks when warranted 8. Cultural expression- Able to realise economic opp in cultural activity
Recalling your needs/interests - Develop a shared understanding of CMS and of CMS models. - Exchange of practical policy experience. - Identify specialist literature on CMS. - Identify existing CMS frameworks in diverse contexts. - Explore content of career education curricula. - Identify organizational models of career education. - Explore time-tabling and targeting of CMS. - Consider linkage of CMS to guidance services. - Identify activities and methods suitable to promote CMS. - Explore ways of assessing acquired skills. - Identify who teaches CMS, and how they are trained. AT, FR, D, LT, SI, UK Policy- focused Policy- focused
Overview of mapping 12 countries responded: Austria (AT), Czech Republic (CZ), Estonia (EE), Italy (IT), Lithuania (LT), Malta (MT), Netherlands (NL), Portugal (PT), Slovenia (SI), Sweden (SE), Turkey (TK), UK (Scotland). France (FR) sent a number of national reports. Other members of WP1: Slovakia (SK) and Luxembourg (L). Comments: -Responses focused mainly on CMS in the education sector. -Clear overlap of approaches and practices -Basis for an emergent CMS framework
What?...Defining CMS Range of competences (knowing, doing, being) providing structured ways for individuals and groups to gather, analyse, synthesise and organise information - about self - about education - about occupations Aim: To develop resources in people to better manage their life course. DOTS DOTS
Typical content of CMS Personal choices and skills: Knowing self, self-assessment, decision-making, acting in a diverse cultural environment Links between education and work: Courses and job opportunities, requirements, career exploration, learning skills, The Labour market: Rights and duties at work, equal opportunities, values of different lifestyles Decision-learning … Opportunity awareness … Transition skills … Self-awareness Decision-learning … Opportunity awareness … Transition skills … Self-awareness
Acquisition (acquire, explore, understand, discover) Application (apply, demonstrate, experience, express, participate) Personalization (integrate, appreciate, internalize, personalize) Actualization (create, engage, externalize, improve, transpose) Acquisition (acquire, explore, understand, discover) Application (apply, demonstrate, experience, express, participate) Personalization (integrate, appreciate, internalize, personalize) Actualization (create, engage, externalize, improve, transpose) The 11 Blueprint competences A. Personal Management 1. Build and maintain a positive self-concept; 2. Interact positively and effectively with others; 3. Change and grow throughout one’s life. B.Learning and Work Exploration 4. Participate in LLL supportive of life-work goals 5. Locate and use life-work information 6. Understand relationship between work and society C. Life/Work Building 7. Secure/create and maintain work 8. Make life/work enhancing decisions 9. Maintain balanced life and work roles 10. Understand the changing nature of life work roles 11. Understand and manage one’s own career building process - Level 1 - Level 2 - Level 3 - Level 4 [Early Years] [Up to Early Adolescence] [Up to Late Adolescence] [Up to Adulthood] - Level 1 - Level 2 - Level 3 - Level 4 [Early Years] [Up to Early Adolescence] [Up to Late Adolescence] [Up to Adulthood]
WHY?...Justifying CMS General emphasis on the need to prepare for the world of work, and for entrepreneurship Right of citizens to have transversal competences to participate in KBS Part of the discourse on competence-based learning Emphasis on self-development, and hence on self- guidance Note: - In some countries, CMS is not yet on the agenda. - Related terms: transition skills, career planning skills, employability skills, PSD skills. - Some key documents in countries that refer to CMS: but no national frameworks.
Where? CMS taught Often at most levels, but especially secondary education sector – some also by PES 3 approaches in school sector: - through the curriculum (compulsory theme) - separate subject (often PSD/Lifeskills) - outside curriculum (e.g. workshops at key points) Note: - In decentralised system, schools decide - often difficult to say how much time allocated - some have established service standards - range from ad hoc to more systematic approaches
When?...Developmental stages Generally follow curricular protocols and rationales Some are more systematic, and follow national or borrowed frameworks (e.g. Blueprint for Life/Work Designs) Others adapt CMS by tailoring teaching to specific needs of learners (e.g. IEP approach).
Who?...CMS staff Regular teachers (trained or untrained) Class masters (special link to each class) Specialised staff (e.g. CG teachers, PSD staff) Specialised external staff (e.g. from PES) Community (parents, employers, alumni) In PES: range of staff are trained to deliver CMS Note: - Training is not always required to teach CMS - Often short, non-certifiable courses offered in-house (for PES)
How?...teaching and assessing CMS Teaching—a multi-dimensional approach: class teaching, individual work tasks, group work tasks, project work, visits to enterprises and institutions, meeting the representatives of different occupations, meeting former students, work experience, interviews, case studies, job quizzes, volunteer work, use of specialised portals and data bases, computerised programmes and career games, books, workbooks, posters, and other printed materials, CD, DVD, movies, career tests, career fairs, simulation, role play, video feedback... Assessing—depends on curricular traditions: portfolios, bilan de competences, continuous assessment, tests, practical demonstration, oral interviews, self-assessment, practical action planning
Key issues for CMS Multi-dimensional approach requires staff co-ordination. Integrate info resources, providers, systems and tools. Students not necessarily motivated to learn the topics. Training teachers to deliver CMS appropriately. Widening access to unreached special target groups. Supply is not matching the demand for CMS. Difficulty to insert CMS in an over-crowded curriculum. Develop capability in those partners and individuals who influence CMS (e.g. parents, employers, peers, etc). Note: - Need to launch a national debate about CMS in the country - Need to evaluate what is happening nationally re CMS