Social Cohesion and Language Learning Joseph Lo Bianco ECML, Graz, Austria September 2007
Fiji, Cambodia, Belgium, India >> Ethnically homogenous
REFERENCES CoE, CDCS (2004) A New Strategy for Social Cohesion, European Committee for Social Cohesion (CDCS) Revised strategy for Social Cohesion approved by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 31 March 2004.CoE, CDCS (2004) A New Strategy for Social Cohesion, European Committee for Social Cohesion (CDCS) Revised strategy for Social Cohesion approved by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 31 March House of Commons, (2004) Social Cohesion, Sixth Report of Session 2003–04, ODPM: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions Committee Volume I, House of Commons, London: The Stationery Office LimitedHouse of Commons, (2004) Social Cohesion, Sixth Report of Session 2003–04, ODPM: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions Committee Volume I, House of Commons, London: The Stationery Office Limited
Social Cohesion and Language Learning implications for Language Policy Language Pedagogy Language Research Language Curriculum
Classic LP Goals of National States Consolidation of the national language for all domains; Universal standard language literacy but cultural literacy for elites & functional literacy for the masses; Prestige foreign languages (for elites); admiration for a foreign culture or strategic or economic skills.
Multilingualism and Social Cohesion Cambodia “Killing Fields”Cambodia “Killing Fields” "It's just terrible. This is Fiji. We're meant to be a peaceful country and here are all these soldiers frightening people with their guns" Ms. Diani said. Four coups d'état ~ 20 years"It's just terrible. This is Fiji. We're meant to be a peaceful country and here are all these soldiers frightening people with their guns" Ms. Diani said. Four coups d'état ~ 20 years Britain 2001, France 2006, Belgium 2007Britain 2001, France 2006, Belgium th century European wars20 th century European wars India (800 languages), PNG (> 700 languages), Vanuatu (100 languages and 110, 000 people)India (800 languages), PNG (> 700 languages), Vanuatu (100 languages and 110, 000 people)