Demographics and development cooperation Actors and instruments Marion van Schaik Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands
Demographics? My colleagues at a recent meeting… Language barriers! Population control campaigns? Christmas trees More urgent priorities Too sensitive and difficult
Who are the ACTors? All who are convinced of the importance of demographics to their work field Representing all types of organisations, working at all levels, in all disciplines Note in-house differences of viewpoints and competence A forgotten discipline
Importance for us Demographic data as a basis for sound long term policy in any sector: evidence for impact, scenarios for change Demographic data for MDG monitoring: showing progress Demographics as an argument for SRGR: agenda setting, linking micro-macro Qualitative and quantitative data
Source: Cincotta et al., The Security demographic
Number of primary teachers required, Source: Rwanda Min of Health, Population factors and the national vision
What can bilateral donors do? Analysis & articulation of (research) questions Bringing demographics to the table with politicians Creating platforms; find partners Financing data collection/research, application Internal awareness raising
Opportunities Putting on the political agenda: linking to economics, security, emergencies Integrating in policy dialogue: PRSP and sector support processes Creating momentum: seeking publicity around events & emergencies
Funding opportunities Some examples: Country level: integration in policy and sector dialogues, sector reviews, monitoring processes Building local capacities, partnering, cross- sectoral HQ level: Strategic research funds New SRGR target and indicators