Jeopardy $100 BeatitudesWords to know Liturgical Year Virtue Mysteries of the Rosary $200 $300 $400 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 Final Jeopardy Final Jeopardy
Beatitudes - $100 Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is _______________________________. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is _______________________________. The kingdom of heaven The kingdom of heaven
Beatitudes - $200 Another title for the Beatitudes. Another title for the Beatitudes. Guides for Christian life. Guides for Christian life.
Beatitudes - $300 Blessed are the merciful; ______________________________________. Blessed are the merciful; ______________________________________. For they will be comforted For they will be comforted
Beatitudes - $400 Blessed are the clean of heart; for they _____________________. Blessed are the clean of heart; for they _____________________. See God. See God.
Beatitudes - $500 Blessed are the peacemakers; for they will __________________. Blessed are the peacemakers; for they will __________________. Be called children of God. Be called children of God.
Words to know - $100 Central and essential element of our faith, based on and inseperable from our understanding of respect of human life and human dignity. Central and essential element of our faith, based on and inseperable from our understanding of respect of human life and human dignity. Catholic Social Teachings Catholic Social Teachings
Words to know - $200 Prayers, devotions, sacred items that remind us of the sacraments we have received prompting us to be faithful to the graces of the sacraments Prayers, devotions, sacred items that remind us of the sacraments we have received prompting us to be faithful to the graces of the sacraments sacramentals sacramentals
Words to know - $300 Public assembly Public assembly Liturgy Liturgy
Words to know - $400 Where a Church council declared Jesus both God and man. Where a Church council declared Jesus both God and man. Nicea Nicea
Words to know - $500 Individual or collective official teachings of the Church Individual or collective official teachings of the Church Doctrine Doctrine
Liturgical Year - $100 What is the start of the liturgical year? What is the start of the liturgical year? Advent Advent
Liturgical Year - $200 What are the two days of fast observed during the season of Lent? What are the two days of fast observed during the season of Lent? Good Friday and Ash Wednesday Good Friday and Ash Wednesday
Liturgical Year - $300 Celebration of Christ’s birth Celebration of Christ’s birth Christmas Christmas
Liturgical Year - $400 Three days before Easter Three days before Easter Easter Tridiuum Easter Tridiuum
Liturgical Year - $500 What are the color of the vestments throughout the Liturgical Year What are the color of the vestments throughout the Liturgical Year Ordinary Time – green, Christmas – white, Easter – white, Pentecost – red, Lent – purple, Advent - purple Ordinary Time – green, Christmas – white, Easter – white, Pentecost – red, Lent – purple, Advent - purple
Virtue - $100 The habit of doing good is defined as a what? The habit of doing good is defined as a what? Virtue Virtue
Virtue - $200 Faith, Hope, and Love are what type of virtues? Faith, Hope, and Love are what type of virtues? Theological Theological
Virtue - $300 When someone has the ability to make morally good decisions they are considered to have what? When someone has the ability to make morally good decisions they are considered to have what? Virtue Virtue
Virtue - $400 Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, Temperance are what type of virtues Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, Temperance are what type of virtues Cardinal virtue Cardinal virtue
Virtue - $500 What is the opposite of a virtue? What is the opposite of a virtue? Vice Vice
Mysteries of the Rosary - $100 Annunciation of the Lord, Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth, Nativity of our Lord, Presentation of the Lord, and Finding Jesus in the Temple are celebrated as which mysteries of the Rosary? Annunciation of the Lord, Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth, Nativity of our Lord, Presentation of the Lord, and Finding Jesus in the Temple are celebrated as which mysteries of the Rosary? Joyful Mysteries Joyful Mysteries
Mysteries of the Rosary - $200 Agony in the Garden, Scourging at the Pillar, Jesus is crowned with thorns, Jesus carries the Cross, Crucifixion of the Lord are celebrated as which mysteries of the Rosary? Agony in the Garden, Scourging at the Pillar, Jesus is crowned with thorns, Jesus carries the Cross, Crucifixion of the Lord are celebrated as which mysteries of the Rosary? Sorrowful Mysteries Sorrowful Mysteries
Mysteries of the Rosary - $300 Baptism in the Jordan, Wedding at Cana, Proclamation of the Kingdom, Transfiguration, and the Institution of Eucharist are celebrated as which mysteries of the Rosary? Baptism in the Jordan, Wedding at Cana, Proclamation of the Kingdom, Transfiguration, and the Institution of Eucharist are celebrated as which mysteries of the Rosary? Luminous Mysteries Luminous Mysteries
Mysteries of the Rosary - $400 Resurrection of the Lord, Ascension of Jesus to Heaven, Descent of the Holy Ghost, Assumption of Mary into Heaven, and Mary is crowned as Queen of Heaven and Earth are celebrated as which mysteries of the Rosary? Resurrection of the Lord, Ascension of Jesus to Heaven, Descent of the Holy Ghost, Assumption of Mary into Heaven, and Mary is crowned as Queen of Heaven and Earth are celebrated as which mysteries of the Rosary? Glorious Mysteries Glorious Mysteries
Mysteries of the Rosary- $500 What are the four Mysteries of the Rosary? What are the four Mysteries of the Rosary? Joyful Mysteries, Sorrowful Mysteries, Glorious Mysteries, Luminous Mysteries Joyful Mysteries, Sorrowful Mysteries, Glorious Mysteries, Luminous Mysteries
Final Jeopardy Teachings of Jesus at the Sermon on the Mount Teachings of Jesus at the Sermon on the Mount Beatitudes Beatitudes