Water and oil from Christian Hofmann and Alexander Karl This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Structure 1. Oil water compound Accident cause Causes of oil water compound 2. Separate oil from water Measures against oil residues 3. Oil accidents Oil desaster Gulf of Mexico Measures to protect Causes during the disaster Current status
Causes Accidents at oil rigs
Causes Leak in an oil refinery
Causes Tanker accident
Causes Leaky pipes
Causes of oil water compound Oil spreads very fast on water surface Oil evaporates into the air Oil contamination of sea animals Oil seeps into groundwater
Measures against oil waste Offshore Limited by barriers skim off chemical dispersion oil combustion
Measures against oil residues At the beach Treating animals prevention
Oil accidents Porto 1975 Tanker accident tons of oil
Oil accidents Italy, gulf of Genua 1991 Tanker accident tons of oil
Oil disaster Gulf of Mexico 2010 one of the hardest desasters ever 700 million liters of oil
Oil disaster Gulf of Mexico
Measures to protect
Causes during the disaster The nature reserve is in the middle of the accident The Mississippi Delta is endangered Increased Air pollution caused by burning 80% of the escaped oil is still below the sea surface Animals are helplessly exposed to the oil
Current status The Oil leak was in 2000 meters deep Oil decomposing bacteria have formed Land and sea still contaminated
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