Revision: The Prophets Jeremiah – suffering prophet Elijah – champion of God Hosea - faithfulness Amos – justice Moses – prophet of the Law Jesus – more than a prophet? Church as prophet 1.Tell your partner what you remember about each of these prophets. 2.Identify the prophet from the pictures. 3.Then do the Multiple Choice test.
Key Terms/ Definitions 1.A prophet is 2.prophecy 3.Action Prophecy 4.Justice means 5.“Repent” means b. someone who hears God’s word and proclaims it. c. Upholding fair treatment for all eg poor, racial, women, old etc. d. To turn away from your sins, and turn back to God a. The words spoken by a prophet e. Something a prophet does to make people understand his message better eg walk barefoot, marry a prostitute 1-b 2 – a 3 – e 4 – c 5 - d
Elijah Stood up for the God of Israel as being the only true God you should worship. – Prophesied no rain for 3 years – Jezebel wanted to kill him. – Ran away & fed by the ravens in the desert – “jar of meal and jug of oil not spent” for poor widow & son – raised widow’s son from death – Confronted 450 prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel: only God (of Israel) brought down the fire 1.What was Elijah’s message to King Ahab of Israel? Only worship God of Israel. 2.What did Elijah do to prove to Ahab that the God of Israel is the true God? 2 things. Stopped rain for 3 years, brought down fire over the sacrifice on Mt. Carmel 3.What can you learn about God from the 2 miracles Elijah did for the poor widow of Sidon? Trust God and be willing to sacrifice, and He will turn it to good. He cares for us.
Jeremiah Warnings: or God will leave His temple and kick you out of your land ! Instructions: “Go stand at the temple and proclaim this message” Advice: change your ways and act justly to one another Hard truths: you lie, steal, rob, cheat and then think it’s OK to present yourself before me in my temple? It’s not! 1.Write out in order the headings of how Jeremiah must speak his message. 2.Explain in general, in your own words, what a prophet’s job is about. **Why would this make prophets unpopular ? Instructions, hard truths, advice, warnings
Amos - Justice Give 5 examples of injustice in the world today Explain why injustice is against God’s way of making the world Give 2 reasons why people should act justly In Genesis, God made the world with enough for all, and commanded man to “rule” over it, caring for all… Destruction of rainforests evicting tribes from their homes
Moses – the Law 1. Complete the facts about Moses. born ________ slave, brought up E________prince, killed an ___________ so fled, met God in the burning _______, Who said “tell Pharaoh to _____________________”, did the 10 __________, last plague of P___________ lamb left Egypt, parted _____ sea, in desert received 10 ________________. 2. Write out the 10 commandments (use the hints to help you). 3. Explain why it is important for us to have the 10 commandments. 1 God 2’s misused 3’s on my knees 4 front door 5’s alive, 6’s stray Sticky 7’s 8’s telling tales 9’s his & hers 10’s want more Gap fill: Jewish, Egyptian, Egyptian, bush, let my people go, plagues, Passover, Red, Commandments
Hosea – action prophecy What did God command Hosea do? – Marry a prostitute What message was his prophetic action supposed to give? – How painful it is to God that Israel is unfaithful to Him & how much God loves them even so. Explain why prophetic actions might be more powerful than just telling people to be faithful. – They show just how seriously God feels
Jesus & Church as prophets What did Jesus do to show he is a prophet? -Told people to repent -Spoke God’s words -Did miracles -Stood up for the poor (made them his friends) What 2 things suggest he might be more than a prophet? -Forgives sins directly -Has God’s power to use as & when he chooses Give 2 examples of how the Church -Speaks hard truths -Encyclicals (papal letters) -Priest preaching sermon -Uses God’s power -Forgiving sins (Sac. Reconciliation) -Sacraments: baptism, Holy Communion, Anointing of the Sick -Calls to faithfulness -Readings and sermon at mass -Advent and lent time to remember more -Priests and monks / nuns don’t marry to show faithfulness we should all have -Stands up for justice -Against things that damage the Image of God in us/ our human dignity eg slavery, prostitution, drugs, extreme poverty, forms of killing (abortion, euthanasia) -Charity collections after mass