Sixth Grade Science 2014/2015 WELCOME Go 6B! It’s going to be a banner year!
MY EXPERIENCE I’ve been teaching for 16 years. I taught 6 th grade science, 6 th grade social studies, 7 th grade math and multimedia. MY BACKGROUND I grew up in Denver, Colorado. I attended Lakenheath Elementary School in England, Northglenn High School in Colorado, University of Northern Colorado Greeley and University of Phoenix.
My Husband’s name is Joe. We have been married for 36 years. I have two daughters. Tori is a hair stylist at K- Bella and my oldest daughter is a 1 st grade teacher. I will soon be a grandmother in November I have two pets: Harley and Bane who are adorable mutts.
I love to read. I love to cook. I love movies. I love teaching science.
My My phone: Class web site:
1 st Quarter Scientific Inquiry Lab Safety Measurement Cells Microlife
Question Plan and conduct investigations Use appropriate tools and techniques to gather data Think critically and logically about relationships between evidence and explanations Communicate results
Explain the importance of water to organisms Describe the basic structure of a cell Describe the function of cell parts Differentiate between plant and animal cells
E xplain how the human body contracts and fights illnesses and diseases.
2 nd Quarter Body Systems Plants
R espiration – gills, lungs D igestion – stomach, intestines C irculation – heart, veins, arteries, capillaries L ocomotion – muscles, skeleton Animals
D escribe how the nervous system interacts with these systems: Respiration Digestion Circulation Locomotion
T ranspiration – stomata, roots, xylem, phloem A bsorption – roots, xylem, phloem R esponse to stimulus (phototropism, hydrotropism, geotropism) – roots, xylem, phloem
3 rd Quarter Renewable Nonrenewable Transfer of energy Energy & Science and It’s Impact on Society
Energy Renewable and nonrenewable resources Ways energy can be stored and transformed How thermal energy can be transferred
C ompare the pros and cons of alternate energy sources and the technology behind them. E xplain why all energy sources should be conserved.
4 th Quarter D escribe layers of the atmosphere S tructures of lakes, rivers, oceans W ater cycle W eather Earth’s Processes and Systems
D escribe the interactions between human populations, natural hazards, and the environment. U nderstand the impact of technology.
80% Assessment Tests & Quizzes Projects Lab Reports 20% Class Work and Homework
Providing structure and procedures so that he or she is confident and comfortable with daily happenings Maintain high but reasonable expectations Communicate with you whenever necessary or upon request from you Provide valuable practice through homework Strongly protect your child’s right to a challenging learning environment free from distractions and misbehavior
Supporting the classroom procedures and providing structure at home. Letting me know if my expectations are too high, or not high enough. Monitoring the neatness, accuracy and level of difficulty of their homework. Communicating ANYTHING about your child that might interfere with their learning.