LEARNING OBJECTIVES/ GOALS/ SWBAT STANDARD(S): 12.1 Students explain the fundamental principles and moral values of American democracy. LEARNING OBJECTIVES/ GOALS/ SWBAT Identify how basic legislation has added to our understanding of the Constitution over time. Describe the ways in which the executive and judicial branches have interpreted the Constitution. Analyze the role of party practices and custom in interpreting the Constitution.
A BULLDOG ALWAYS Commitment Attitude CARES Respect Encouragement Safety
Key Terms treaty: a formal agreement between two or more independent states electoral college: the body of electors that makes the formal selection of the President Cabinet: a body made up of the heads of the 17 executive departments that advises the President
KEY TERMS-cont Informal Amendment: formal agreement between two or more sovereign states. executive agreement: a pact made by the President directly with the head of a foreign state senatorial courtesy: the Senate custom of refusing to approve any presidential appointee unless that person has the support of all Senators from the appointee’s home state who belong to the same party as the President
Introduction How have the day-to-day workings of the government affected how we interpret the Constitution? Congress passes new laws. Presidents push to expand executive power. The Supreme Court makes key rulings on constitutional issues. Political parties influence the governing process. Customs develop over time.
The Role of Congress Congress has expanded upon basic constitutional provisions. Congress created much of the specific structure of the federal government. Congress established the federal court system—the Constitution created only the Supreme Court. Congress created the many departments and agencies in the executive branch. Congress has clarified issues such as the succession of the Vice President.
Powers of Congress Congress passes laws that clarify its own constitutional powers. The Constitution describes some congressional powers in vague terms. For example, Congress has the power to regulate foreign trade and interstate commerce. Over the years, Congress has passed thousands of laws that detail just what is meant by words like “regulate,” “trade,” “interstate” and “commerce.” In the process, it has interpreted the meaning of the Constitution.
Informal Amendment Process Guided Reading: Informal Amendment Process Basic Legislation 1. Definition: passage of laws that refine or define words of Constitution 2. Example: establishing court system; defining regulation of interstate commerce
Expanding Executive Power Presidents have increased their constitutional powers by taking a broad interpretation of such powers. Often this involves avoiding the need to gain congressional approval. For example, only Congress can declare war. But while acting as commander-in-chief, many Presidents have sent military forces into combat without a formal act of war. The Senate must approve formal treaties. But Presidents can and do enter into legally binding executive agreements with foreign leaders without asking for Senate approval.
Presidential Power The Constitution grants the President “executive power.” Most Presidents argue that this power includes the authority to do things not specifically mentioned in the Constitution. For example, Thomas Jefferson used it as a justification for acquiring new territory for the United States when he purchased the Louisiana Territory in 1803.
The State of the Union While an address to Congress is required by the Constitution, the method of address is left to each President. Harry Truman’s State of the Union was the first televised address. Today, the State of the Union is an annual televised address to Congress and all Americans. NOTE TO TEACHERS: In the image above, Harry Truman delivers the first televised State of the Union.
Informal Amendment Process Guided Reading: Informal Amendment Process Executive Action 3. Definition: using the President's power to act independently of Congress 4. Example: expanding the President's war-making powers; making pacts with foreign leaders without the advice and consent of the Senate
The Courts The nation’s courts, particularly the Supreme Court, interpret the Constitution on a regular basis. The power of judicial review gives the Court the power to declare laws unconstitutional. Declaring that a law is constitutional also involves interpreting the Constitution. Each type of ruling sets a precedent for interpreting future laws.
Informal Amendment Process Guided Reading: Informal Amendment Process Court Decisions 5. Definition: using court cases to interpret the Constitution 6. Example: Marbury v. Madison and establishment of judicial review
Customs Unwritten customs can be as influential as written laws. The President’s Cabinet exists solely as a result of custom rather than any laws. The custom of senatorial courtesy guides the appointment of public officials.
Customs, cont. Ever since George Washington, Presidents had limited themselves to two terms in office. After Franklin Roosevelt was elected to four consecutive terms from 1932 to 1944, the two-term limit was made into law by passage of the 22nd Amendment in 1951.
Customs, cont. Checkpoint: Which customs did the 22nd and 25th Amendments establish as laws? For years, the Vice President assumed the office of the presidency when the President died. But this was not a formal law until ratification of the 25th amendment in 1967. Checkpoint Answer: The two-term limit on Presidents and the official succession of the Vice President to the office of President when the President dies or is otherwise forced to step down.
Informal Amendment Process Guided Reading: Informal Amendment Process Custom 7. Definition: upholding long-held customs as constitutional necessity 8. Example: making executive department heads the President's Cabinet
Political Parties The Constitution does not mention political parties. Most of the Framers actually opposed parties, fearing they would divide the government.
Political Parties, cont. Yet parties are very influential in our political process. The daily business and the committee system of Congress are organized around party membership. NOTE TO TEACHERS: Image above shows a delegate. Delegates play an important role in shaping the U.S. Government.
Political Parties, cont. Checkpoint: How have political parties changed the way we interpret the Constitution? Political parties use state primaries and national conventions to choose candidates. Party membership also influences the President’s decision-making process when choosing political appointees. Parties also influence the selection of electors to the electoral college. The Constitution says nothing about the nomination process. Checkpoint Answer: Political parties have shaped the nomination and election of the President in ways never mentioned by the Constitution. They have also influenced the process of appointing public officials, as the President must consider party affiliation when nominating appointees as well as the custom of senatorial courtesy, which is based partly on party affiliations.
Informal Amendment Process Guided Reading: Informal Amendment Process Party Practices 9. Definition: using practices of political parties to change political processes 10. Example nominating presidential candidates at national conventions
Review Now that you have learned how the day-to-day working of the government have affected how we interpret the Constitution, go back and answer the Chapter Essential Question. How has the Constitution lasted through changing times?
Guided Reading: B. Reviewing Key Terms 11. informal amendment a formal agreement between two or more sovereign states 12. executive agreement a pact made by the President directly with the head of a foreign state, skirting the need for Senate approval. 13. senatorial courtesy the Senate's rejection of a presidential appointment when that appointment is opposed by a majority party senator from the State in which the appointee would serve.