The Holocaust: A Best Practices Workshop for Catholic School Educators What kind of world will future generations inherit? It's up to us to educate the future leaders to not only tolerate others, but accept others.
The Holocaust Necessary to teach yet not an easy task... Lessons the Holocaust teach: Ethics Tolerance Acceptance Courage Perseverance Compassion Man's Will to Live Forgiveness Academic - History, Literature, Art
Vocabulary of the Holocaust collaborator vs bystander antisemitism prejudice vs discrimination direct orders vs assumed orders choiceless choice concentration camp vs killing center guilt vs responsibility
The Holocaust How do we go about teaching about the Holocaust? Today we'll discuss best practices in teaching the Holocaust in our Catholic School Setting. First...DEFINE the term and check for prior knowledge Anticipate student questions World Cafe Model Supplies Necessary: Large Post Its/Chart Paper Pens Time for Discussion (20 minutes)
The Holocaust A survey found that 20 percent of American high school students could not identify Hitler and name whom the United States fought in World War II ( It's our job to teach both the easy and difficult concepts. Q: How do we go about teaching a complex subject? A: We systematically and clearly explain history to the young people we encounter in our classrooms. A. We connect with their emotions (age appropriate).
The Holocaust Teaching Methodology...first consider the following THREE ideas: 1.Define the Holocaust and Antisemitism (Use precise language) 2.Do not imply the Holocaust was inevitable 3.Avoid simple answers to complex questions The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum defines the term Holocaust as the systematic, bureaucratic, state- sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators.
The Holocaust Teaching consider the following THREE ideas: 1.Teach from a balanced perspective 2.Avoid comparison of pain 3.Do not romanticize history Passports Travel was not for business or pleasure.
The Holocaust Teaching consider the following THREE ideas: 1.Contextualize the history 2.Translate statistics into people 3.Make responsible methodological choices
How do we TEACH about this HISTORICAL event? We get students to ASK questions. Start with background knowledge Concentrate on FACTS…get students to form their own conclusions Use primary sources to get students to connect with the past
Beyond Theory...Into Action...HOW?
Understand the Holocaust through Student Inquiry Help Students Connect with the Past What could we do? KWL Charts Think Pair Share World Cafe Model Structured Academic Controversy Artifacts/Photos Testimony Create Timelines Technology based projects Translate Statistics into People
The Holocaust is a Historical Event. Questions to ask: What was the Holocaust? When did it occur? Where did it occur? All photos come from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
One Approach: Teach History Use Images, Artifacts and Stories to help students remember
USHMM Curator's CornerUSHMM Curator's Corner Episode
Q: How do we connect students with the past? A: Teach using tangible resources. Primary sources: Diary Memoir Photos Eye Witness Testimony Speaker Documents Artwork If you use historical fiction or movies... DO point out the fact vs the fiction to teach students to be critical thinkers. If you show a movie, start with a documentary or clip.
Who was involved? Who were the o Victims? o Survivors? o Perpetrators? o Bystanders? o Rescuers? o Liberators? Q: What role did the Catholic Church play in the Holocaust?
The Holocaust Why did it occur? A DIFFICULT question to answer. Through our study of the Holocaust we will look at multiple perspectives to better understand history and how the event came to be. We will look at CHOICES made by individuals and groups. We will learn to make informed decisions about the past.
The Holocaust How to determine WHY? Search for FACTS. What would be a credible source? What would be a primary source? The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website (
Power of WORDS "If ever a piece of writing could produce mass hatred, it is this one.... This book is about lies and slander." Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is the most notorious and widely distributed antisemitic publication of modern times Concepts: Censorship Book Burning Book Banning
Never Again...Did Happen Troubles Today…
2010…Genocide is a Problem The FUTURE is up to each one of us. After studying the Holocaust and watching testimony about GENOCIDE on our world TODAY, how can you make a difference in the world?
Current Genocide Watch World is Witness Videos At Risk Today DR Congo Sudan Bosnia-Herzegovinia Rwanda Burundi Chechnya, Russia Ivory Coast
Where do we go from here? Take back ideas from today to your classrooms and school sites. Continue to collaborate Work to develop Holocaust Education Teaching Guidelines that looks at scope and sequence so each of us builds upon the work of the previous year's teachers. Meet annually for to share best practices and help new teachers Professional Growth Opportunities: USHMM SHOAH