By: N’Dea Walker, Michael Jordan, Vanessa Hunt, Tim Peters, and Arlene Herrera
The Final Solution was a program created by the Nazis, initiated by Adolf Hitler, to completely exterminate the entire Jewry race. Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazis, had an entire plan to create a “purified and perfect race”. Hitler believed that Jews were an inferior race and must be eliminated. Adolf Hitler and his army of Nazis systematically made there through Europe killing over 6 million Jews and others in the process, and leaving a scar in our history.
Hitler’s Power _frame/36ba03wed59b2dab4 Hitler became ruler in When Hitler started ruling Germany, a little over 500,000 Jews were under German control. Hitler’s goal was to make one perfect race of Germans. That meant getting rid of the Jews.
In 1933 the Nazi dominated Germany and used boycotts and violence to socially isolate Jews. In 1939, after the invasion of Poland by the Nazi Party and the beginning of word war II, was when the mass murder of Jews and other “inferiors” began. Nazis used enclosed areas called Ghettos to control the Jews in central and eastern Poland. They were overcrowded and unsanitary. And the food was insubstantial. Jews then in 1941 would be deported to concentration camps where they murdered in mass amounts.
The First Concentration Camp Dachau was the first concentration. It was established in March 1933, which was two months after Hitler came to power. The concentration camp was located about 10 miles outside of Munich. cle.php?ModuleId=
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