Drivers Education Key Terms and Definitions
Absolute speed limit-the max or min posted speed at which one may drive under normal conditions in good weather. Actual physical control- (will be on the test) a person can be charged with driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or some other drug if they have the ability to move their vehicle. Advisory speed limit-a speed limit that advises drivers than an adjusted speed is necessary for a short period of time. Prima-facia, change in speed limit from time to time. Sharp curve ahead, road work, school or bus stop, etc. Anti-lock braking system (ABS)- a vehicle’s braking system that is designed to keep a vehicle’s wheels from locking when brakes are applied with greater than normal force. Basic speed law-any speed under the absolute limit that is safe for existing road, weather, or traffic conditions. Blind spot-( will be on the test) areas to the sides and rear of a vehicle that the driver cannot see with the use of either side or rear view mirrors. Note; the size and shape of the vehicle will have a great bearing on the size of the blind spot the driver must contend with.
Blood alcohol concentration (BAC)-(will be on the test)the percentage of alcohol found in a person’s blood at any given time. In addition, BAC is how law enforcement measures the level of intoxication in a person. Note; levels vary from state to state, in Alabama the legal level is.08% for an adult. Carbon monoxide-a highly poisonous gas that is given off by burning fossil fuel. It is colorless and odorless. Note; many people die each year from breathing this gas. Most are teens or young adults sitting in parked vehicles. Centrifugal force-a natural law that tends to push a vehicle out of a curve and into a straight path. Teach with a ball on a string, swing it and when you let it go the ball wants to go in a straight line, it will go in a straight line. Is one of 7 natural laws, natural laws can’t be broken. Contrast sensitivity-the ability to see under difficult conditions such as glare from oncoming headlights, heavy snow conditions, and even driving at night. You can wear sun glasses to drive if needed. Disc brake system-a system where brake pads are pressed against a flat metal wheel.
Driving under the influence (DUI)-driving under the influence of any mind altering drug. This includes alcohol, prescription and non-prescription drug, marijuana, hallucinogenic drugs, and any other drugs that alter the brain. Note; in Alabama you can be arrested and taken to jail for a BAC of.05% even when the legal limit for adults (21) is.08%. Hand position-refers to hand placement on the steering wheel while driving. Hand-over hand steering-method where hands cross over each other while turning. Push-pull-feed steering-method where hands do not cross while turning (used when vehicles are equipped with air bags). Nine and three or eight and four- refers to hand placement while driving. Highway hypnosis-a trance-like state of drowsiness that can occur with little warning. Usually occurs after long hours behind the wheel.
Hydroplaning-a condition in which the tires of a moving vehicle ride on a cushion of water causing loss of control in both steering and braking. Implied consent-(will be on the test) the law stating that any licensed driver cannot legally refuse to be tested for alcohol or drug use while behind the wheel or in “actual physical control” of the vehicle. Over-driving-your-headlights- driving so fast at night that a driver is unable to stop within the range of their headlights. Peer influence-formally know as peer pressure. Research has shown that more young people are victims of the influenced of bad habits that of actual pressure from one peers. EX. John Doe began to smoke pot because those around him did, not because he was forced. Reversible traffic lane-a traffic lane where the flow of traffic may change during different times of the day. Space margin-keeping a safe distance around all sides of your vehicles. Reversible traffic lane-one part of the time lanes go one way then in the latter part of the day it changes.
SIPDE-(on the test) the basic principles of defensive diving. The letters stand for: ON TEST: TELL ME WHAT EACH OF THESE LETTER STAND FOR AND EXPLAIN: S….SEARCH OR SCAN…I…IDENDIFY…P…PREDICT…D…DE CIDE…E…EXECUTE. Space margin -a cushion of space a driver tries to maintain around their vehicle. Space margin distance increases as speed goes up. Note: a safe following distance for good weather is about three seconds behind the vehicle in front of you. As the weather becomes worse your space cushion will need to increase. Keeping a safe space margin around your vehicle is an ongoing task. Inconsiderate drivers look to be road rage. Synergistic effects of combining two or more drugs-, most people do not understand the effects of ingesting two or more different kinds of drugs. EX. Taking a barbiturate, which depresses the brain and central nervous system, and washing it down with a drink of alcohol does not double the effect as many think; it can multiply the effects as much as ten times. Threshold braking-braking just to the point of your wheels locking up on vehicles equipped with non-ABS braking systems.
*****Total stopping distance- (will be on the test) the distance to bring a vehicle to a complete stop from the time of perception until the wheels actually stop rolling. Note: at 60 mph a vehicle equipped with good tires and brakes travels almost 300 feet from the time you see the conflict until you actually bring your vehicle to a stop. It brakes down like this: perception distance-about 70 feet, response OR REACTION distance about 70 feet, TOTAL braking distance- about 155 feet. Visual acuity-a driver’s ability to see clearly under normal conditions. Factors that affect visual acuity: alcohol, drugs legal and illegal, fatigue, poor weather, smoking inside the vehicle, and dirty windows. Velocitizing-the sensation of moving more slowly than one actually is as a result of driving at a fast speed for a long period of time. EX> leaving the freeway and moving to a surface street with a speed limit of 35 mph. as a result, traveling at the speed limit may seem much slower.
TWO SECOND FOLLOWING DISTANCE- KEEPING at least two full seconds behind the vehicle in front on you in your lane. Tracking-steering; keeping your vehicle steadily and smoothly on a desired course.