Reauthorizing the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (PL ) by Chris Thompson, Ph.D. Institute for Policy Studies Johns Hopkins University Presentation to the Baltimore Jobs Opportunities Task Force (April 23, 2003)
Objectives of the Presentation 1.Review some intentions, achievements, and shortcomings, of WIA-1 2.Assign “grades” to major areas 3.Suggest improvements for WIA-2
WIA: the new workforce investment system for the ‘New Economy’ Core Principles: rationalization of govt services customer focus universal access work-first approach private employer involvement increased flexibility & accountability
WIA In practice: from sub-populations to universal access employers & job-seekers as customers expanded one-stop systems seamless delivery new sequential client service stages: core - intensive - training;
WIA In practice (continued): SDAs/PICs evolve into LWIAs/LWIBs HRICs/JTCCs evolve into SWIBs demand-driven state & local 5-year plans enhanced employment statistics, MIS, client tracking systems, outcomes-focused measures, & system accountability state as accountable performance unit
WIA In practice (continued) enhanced consumer choice through ‘individual training accounts’ (ITAs) ‘eligible training provider’ (ETP) lists, performance measures, & standards youth councils
WIA Formal implementation status: 23 “early” implementing states by 6/99 TEGL 6/99 laid out performance measures 54 states/ territories/ outlying areas submitted state plans by Apr negotiated modifications until Dec 2000 Spring 2001, WIASRD-2 adopted 2003 is last funded year for WIA-1
And the grades, please.. ONE-STOP SYSTEMS: “A-” + functional integrated points for multiple services customer-focused - TANF agencies not present in majority poor branding not overcome previous image
And the grades, please.. GOVERNANCE: “B” + LWIB/SWIB structures established and functioning Employers present Done without lead from feds - Employers not fully engaged Lack of alignment Lack of system-wide performance measures WIBs not asserting oversight/approval
And the grades, please.. PERFORMANCE SYSTS: “D-” + good intentions much focussed discussion - 2 yr delay in 5 yr Act driven by DoL’s need to report to Congress customer, not system management needs rear-view mirror, not dashboard lack of system-wide performance measures
And the grades, please.. TRAINING: “F” + forced systematic construction of lists - institutional apathy data system too onerous territorial system incompatible with e-learning providers may have reduced, rather than increased, choice of providers ITA funds minimal, often come from elsewhere
Suggested Top Ten Ways to Improve WIA-2 Over WIA-1 1.Expand demand-driven features 2.Incentives for human capital investment and lifelong learning 3.Promote system alignment 4.Transform image and culture 5.Engage educ and ED 6. Improve LMI for decision-making 7. Invest in technology to support decisions 8. Move to benchmarking and performance support 9. Shift to flexible funding 10. Emphasize value, make ‘the business case’
…but most of all: $ $ $
Sources for further info NGA (2000) Workforce Investment Act Implementation Matrix, divisions/1,1188,T_CEN_ESS^C_ISSUE_BRIEF^D_3748,00.html NGA (2001) Transforming State Workforce Development Systems, 1,1188,T_CEN_ESS^C_ISSUE_BRIEF^D_2352,00.html NGA (2002) A Governor’s Guide to Creating a 21 st Century Workforce, Nat Assoc of State Workforce Board Chairs (2002) The Competitive Challenge: Building a World-Class Workforce,