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WELCOME! SHPE General Body Meeting #2 2
Study Sessions The first study session was this past Sunday, as the first round of exams are slowly approaching it is important that you all start studying and reviewing your notes. The point of the study session is to provide a quiet place for you to study and receive help from others who have taken the course already. If someone in the room can’t help, the AEC provides professional tutoring down the hall. Sunday Sept. 21 st, 28 th, 7pm – 3 rd floor Sacket – Room# TBD
Bowling with NSBE Sponsored by CDM Smith Wednesday, October 1 9:00 pm Meet at Hammond back parking lot at 8:15 for bus to transport us over
IM Football 6:00 First game: October 6 IM Fields near East Halls Partnering with SWE Eric Roig, with your phone number
Grad School Workshop A panel of grad students will discuss all the benefits of continuing your education. They will be answering many questions and common misconceptions of graduate school. As well as discussing well paid summer research opportunities and graduate school fellowships. Wed. Oct. 8 TBD – Room# TBD
Etiquette Dinner Thursday, October Days Inn 6:30 pm Dress Code: Business Professional
SHPE Membership Chapter dues are $10 National dues are $15 Friday, September 26 from 1-3 pm HUB Fish Tank
Noche de Ciencias Date: Saturday, October 18 th Time: 8 am – 6 pm Location: Technical College HS (West Grove, PA) Volunteers??? Contact me at or after the
THON 1 st canning weekend is October 17 th Weekend trip—Columbia, MD
HSLC High School Leadership Conference HSLC Committee Member applications open! See SHPE newsletter typed application to Jasmine Bowen at Deadline: October 10