How the World Works Survivor! Central Idea: The climate of a region determines plant life.
What Am I? By Olivia and Sam
I’m in 6 continents. Temperatures are cooler at the bottom and warmer at the top. What biome am I? Aquatic Grasslands
You rock!!! My biome includes: ponds, lakes and streams. Temperatures change with the seasons. I have a very low salt concentration.
Wrong!! I’m very wet. Here is a picture of my biome. eco_psychology/Fresh.htm
What plant am I? I have large, broad leaves to... Absorb sunlight Gather water
Right!!! My leaves also help me float. My petals are pink and white.
Sorry! This is a picture of me. Does this help?
So… what plant am I?
Did you think Water Lily? You’re right! Image found at //