5 th Grade Vineville Academy
Our Objectives 1.Ensure each student is able to demonstrate the required 5 th grade skills in all content areas. 2.Strive to equip each student with the knowledge/experiences necessary to show strength of character and be college ready. 3.Provide support and encouragement as each student begins to acquire the necessary tools that will allow him/her to successfully transition into Middle School.
Philosophy of Teaching Every child has the capacity to learn, but not every child learns at the same pace. Genuine teaching takes place when weaknesses are first identified and strategies are successfully implemented to meet those needs.
What does that mean for your child’s classroom? Data Driven Data Driven Previous CRCT results Previous CRCT results Baseline assessments Baseline assessments DRA’s DRA’s Observations Observations
Curriculum Goals for the Year Fifth Grade at a Glance based on curriculum maps and frameworks from georgiastandards.org
Basis For Goals All goals are based on the recently adopted Common Core standards. These standards are written to ensure an equitable curriculum throughout the United States and that all students are able to compete in a global economy.
Language Arts Reading Chapter Books (fiction and non-fiction) Science Books (follow science curriculum) Guided Reading Curriculum Shared Reading(current event articles) Accelerated Reader Reader’s Workshop Model Guided Reading, Shared Reading, Independent Reading
Language Arts Writing –Different styles of writing Narrative and Expository Creative- Poetry, Biographies, Autobiographies, Speeches Reports Persuasive
Math Numbers and Operations Decimals and Fractions Multiplication and Division Volume 2 Dimensional Shapes Graphs, Coordinates
Social Studies Its EVERYTHING! War is a main focus this year; a large part of our Reading and Writing will stem from our studies in Social Studies. Ficiton and Non fiction texts Interactive Notebooks
Science Earth : Landforms, Constructive and Destructive Forces Physical : Electricity and Magnetism, Physical and Chemical Changes Life: Animal Classification, Genetics, Cells and Microorganisms
Grades… Reading –Guided Reading Assignments –Reading Assessments (at least 1 each 9 weeks) –Accelerated Reader ( 2 grades per 9 weeks) Writing –1 Prompt Writing per 9 weeks English –Weekly Words their Way/Vocabulary Tests –Skill Assessments Math -- Performance assessments -- Skill Assessments --End of unit summative assessments Social Studies/Science –Group Projects –Chapter Tests –Participation in class
Classroom Management Positive Reinforcements –Monthly behavior celebrations –Punch cards Negative Consequences –Mark in Behavior Chart (according to specific behavior) –Silent lunch –Loss of Behavior Celebration –Note Home/Phone Call –Office Referral
Communication Agendas –Check to see what your child did in school, it should be in there! –Check for upcoming assignments or due dates –Check for any notes from me –Write any notes back to me Signed Papers Check for recent test grades Check for behavior marks
Communication Contact Information School Phone: