5 th Grade Visitation and Registration
Welcome to Cope Middle School
6 th grade Parent Night Wednesday, May 16th at 6:30pm
Safety and Security at Cope Meet Nate!
Cope opens at 8:15am Breakfast Closed campus Keep our school clean
Bikes Bike rack opens at 8:15am All students must have helmets and locks
Classes start at 8:45am Our first day of school is Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Your school day You will have five minutes to get from class to class. Don’t be late!
Lunch 6 th graders have second lunch every day from 12:43-1:18pm. Lunch numbers are the same as your number now. Cash or checks can be used toward your account.
Daily bulletin Is read every day over the intercom. Make sure you are listening!
PE Students dress out every day Lockers are available No showers Sweats are ok in cold weather Grading policy
Buying PE clothes PE clothes cost $20 They may be purchased: Open House First day of school
Agendas Are a notebook binder that you will use to keep track of your classes and assignments.
Clubs Breakfast Bible Club Builders Club Running Club Ski/Snowboarding Club French Club Intramural sports
Your schedule You will have two teachers for math/science and English/history; one PE teacher and one exploratory (elective) teacher
Exploratory courses Band
Exploratory courses Chorus
Exploratory courses Computers
Exploratory courses Dance
Exploratory courses English skills
Exploratory courses Math Skills
Exploratory courses Orchestra
Homework Co-op Is available every day
Cell phones Must be turned off during the day Can use before and after school
Dress code No sagging pants No spaghetti straps No bare midriff No hats, beanies or bandanas
Student ID cards Will be issued when you pick up your schedule on Monday August 6th (the Monday before school starts).
Library You will check out textbooks the first week of school. An internet permission slip is required to go online using Cope computers.
6 th grade Parent Night Wednesday, May 16 th at 6:30pm
Open House Held at the beginning of the year Monday, August 6 th Look for more information in the mail