Mrs. Salvi Agenda for September 15, 2014 Science 7: Objective: Explain why biologists classify organisms. Relate the levels of classification to the relationships between organisms. List characteristics used to classify organisms into groups, including domains and kingdoms. Question of the day? What id Francesco Reddi's experiment show? Did it prove or disprove the theory of spontaneous generation? How many species of animals are there? (Enrich) Classification Notes: SMART Exchange Cell Unit - SMART Exchange Activity Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes Guided Reading and Study - Classifying organisms
Mrs. Salvi Agenda for September 15, 2014 Science 6: Objective: The student makes a model that shows the relative orbits of the planets. Question of the day? The universe, galaxies, and stars are all related. Explain how these three terms are connected with one another Guided Inquiry - page Explain: Mercury completes 4 orbits in the time it takes for earth to complete 1. Inner planets were discovered before outer planets because technology was not advanced enough to travel such great distances. Planets can appear to be moving backwards based on the distance from the sun and the time it takes for them to orbit the sun. Extend model to include the other four planets. HW: Compare and contrast the orbits, size, composition, and surface features of three planets in our solar system
Mrs. Salvi Agenda for September 15,2014 Science 5: Objective: The student describes the cell as the basic unit of living things. The student describes the needs and functions of cells. Organelles Rap Incredible Edible Cell Model: 12_files/EdibleCell.pdf Discuss why you chose the material you chose for each organelle How were the two models different? Why did they need to be different? HW: Lesson 1 Review Sheet
Mrs. Salvi Agenda for September 15, 2014 Science 8: Objective:Students will work together to design a device that will launch a marshmallow at a target and compete with other teams. Junk Box Wars Super Slinger Powerpoint Junk Box Wars Super Slinger materials Properties of Matter Powerpoint - density, mass and volume Calculating Density - Math Practice - pg 47 HW: Density, Volume and Mass math practice worksheet
Mrs. Salvi Agenda for September 15, 2014 Science 4: Objective: The student knows characteristics that allow members within a species to survive and reporduce Question of the day? Would a polar bear be comfortable in a warm place? Bird's Adaptations - look at images of birds and list adaptations Animals inherit characteristics from their parents. These special physical features and behaviors help them survive. Adaptations are physical features or behaviors and are passed on from generation to generation. Other animals and their adaptations: Mammals - fur, giraffe - neck, flounder - eyes on top of its head, crab-eating seal HW: Lesson 4 and 5 Review Worksheets Chapter 1 test on 9/22/14