Country Brief -Bhutan Contents 1. Background 2. Trade & Environment 3. Conclusion
Agrarian Economy (70% of 0.6 million population) Agriculture Share of GDP 1990 (35.73%) 1995 (32.40%) 2000 (27.73%) 2004 (24.69%) Agricultural land -7.7% of total land
Agriculture-subsistence farming Major crops- rice, wheat, maize, buckwheat, potatoes. Cash crop farming on small scale- mandarin, apple, cardamon.
Commercial level food processing small scale based on local resources. Narrow range of processed food- alcoholic beverages, carbonated drinks, dairy, processed fruit and vegetable products.
Export share of agriculture products to total exports is 12.16%. Main export markets are India & Bangladesh. Export to other countries is 2.5% of total export value (Red rice to the USA, mushroom –Japan and Thailand etc.). International trade constraints- lack of standardization facilities, inefficient transport system, underdeveloped logistical facilities, lack of market information, etc..
Trade and Environment Sustainable development Environment Assessment Act 2000 Application of WTO Agreements on SPS and TBT Not faced serious problems related to standards Membership of Codex Alimentarus Commission 2000.
Trade and Environment Exports to Japan, USA and Europe sold based on phytosanitary certificate and certificate of origin Micro climate Export based on strength of natural environment Attract FDI
Conclusion Trade contact with India & Bangladesh Regional grouping to identify affecting trade Harmonization of regional standard Promotion of mutual acceptability of certification Establishment of testing and certification body Capacity building