TLPI Spring 2007 Secondary Math/Science 1/29/07 ► Red Binder Questions ► Why Teach? ► Assessment ► Map of Pedagogical Knowledge ► Teaching Diverse Students ► English Learners ► Developing a personal mission statement ► Ethnographic Narrative Part I (if time permits) ► For next week...
Red Binder Questions ► 5:00 – 5:15 Generate categories ► 5:15 – 5:45 Gather with Lorelei’s class to answer the “easy ones” – Lisa Loop will answer the rest next week in Albrecht ► Possible Categories Faculty advisors Observation hours Job related questions Pre-Internship Teaching Experience Financial Aid Other
Why Teach? ► The many roles of the teacher WCBD ► Different teachers/Different philosophies T-P-S #1: Think of your favorite teacher or professor? How did he/she communicate his/her philosophy of teaching to you? How did that impact your engagement and achievement in the class? ► Variety of instructional strategies T-P-S #2: Brainstorm as many instructional strategies as you can. Focus on your STEM class experiences. ► Variety of assessment strategies T-P-S #3: How have you been assessed as a math/science student? Consider form and function—were they aligned?
Evaluative Assessment ► Why Assess? Assessment is more than grades Assessment is feedback for both teachers and students Assessment drives student learning and achievement ► Different forms of assessment Formative, Summative, Evaluative, Educative Formal and informal ► Various Assessment Strategies rubrics, concept maps, portfolios, quizzes/exams, peer review, oral presentations, written reports, performance assessments, field trips...
Map of Pedagogical Knowledge ► Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives ► In small groups, assemble the map as you best agree it might look ► Debrief
Teaching Diverse Students ► What kinds of diversity will you encounter? ► Small group scenarios ► Short article
Developing a Personal Mission Statement or Credo ► Purpose Statement of your personal teaching beliefs What you hope to contribute Touchstone—what will motivate you to continue ► Domain Specific to your discipline—why teach math or science? Reflect CGU’s TEIP vision (red binder) Be mindful of California Standards and TPEs (red binder) ► Tone ► Format APA—pocket guide + web sites on next slide ► Due at the start of class next Monday, 2/5
English Language Learners ► Handouts (2) and discussion ► Web article ► Helping ELLs in the math classroom ► Helping ELLs in the science classroom
Ethnographic Narrative Part I ► Guidelines handout (in class, 2/5) ► APA format—pocket guide + web sites ► ► Title page 1” marginsTNR or Courier, 12 point font, double spaced In text citations References ► 1 st draft due in 2 weeks, 2/12/07
For next week... ► Double entry journal entries due Lopez article (from course reader, distributed in class tonight) Reyes et al article (from course reader, distributed in class tonight) Cruickshank, Chapter 2 & 3 ► Personal Mission Statement/Credo due ► Looking ahead Next week’s readings... Buy the reader ASAP Letter of Introduction to Parents and Parent Partnership Plan Ethnographic Narrative Part I—1 st draft due 2/5 Professional Goals due 2/7 ► Meet in Albrecht Auditorium--Lisa Loop Q & A