Hi! You need: Pencil/pen Journal Fallacy/Toulmin notes Journal 12/3/14: Scott Panetti’s execution is scheduled for today in Texas. When Panetti was a teenager, he first exhibited signs of a psychotic disorder and then was later diagnosed with schizophrenia. In 1992, after numerous violent episodes, he murdered his mother and father-in- law in front of his wife and daughter. D, C, Q: Felons diagnosed with mental illnesses should not receive the death penalty.
Agenda: Journal: Mental Illness & Death Penalty Fallacy Review – “Mean Girls” Review – Fallacy Mix-Match Partner up, identify the fallacy. Use the Toulmin Model triad to your advantage – “Even Stephven” Listen for the Fallacies Fallacy Group Project Homework: – Read until page 290 in Zeitoun for next Monday. – Next journal explode = due 12/12 When you leave you will have: -reviewed the Toulman Model and logical fallacies.
Group Rhetorical Analysis RHETORICAL DEVICE: Evidence of it in use:How does this device contribute to the tone? Effect it creates:How does this device help accomplish their purpose for writing?
Hi! You need: Pencil/pen Journal A Raisin in the Sun Journal 12/3/14: Scott Panetti’s execution is scheduled for today in Texas. When Panetti was a teenager, he first exhibited signs of a psychotic disorder and then was later diagnosed with schizophrenia. In 1992, after numerous violent episodes, he murdered his mother and father-in- law in front of his wife and daughter. D, C, Q: Felons diagnosed with mental illnesses should not receive the death penalty.
Agenda: Journal: Mental Illness & Death Penalty A Raisin in the Sun – Socratic Seminar – Mama’s Plant – Theme Tracker Learning Log (12/1-12/5): Your Choice Homework: – Determine your theme – Next journal explode = due 12/16 When you leave you will have: -written analytical questions and discussed A Raisin in the Sun.