Rules of Classification Date §Objective: §Who was Linneaus and what did he do? §Be able to write a Scientific Name correctly. §Memorize and understand how the Levels of Classification work.
Vocabulary Matching §1. Classification ? §2. Biologist ? §3. Taxonomy? §A. The process of grouping things based on their similarities including their evolution and relatedness (putting into groups) §B. The scientific study of how living things are classified (process of identifying, describing, naming and assigning to a group) §C. A life-study-person who classifies organisms so it’s easier to study them
matters/animals/photos/9-newly- discovered-species/look-what- we-found Recent New Species
Why Classify? ä Currently there are 2-1/2 million identified organisms ä Approximately 1 million still waiting to be identified in rainforests ä Unknown amount in waters not yet explored
1750’s Carolus Linneaus Problems: Names like “Oak with deeply divided leaves that have no hairs on their underside and no teeth around their edges” was much, much, much too long and confusing. kBy accident scientists saw Linnaeus’ notes in the margin with a shortened two part descriptive name of the organisms. Deeply divided- no teeth
“Binomial Nomenclature” - a two part-scientific descriptive name in Latin. §Genus- first part-describes closely related organisms. §species- second part-similar organism that can mate and produce fertile offspring in nature and may describe its habitat or color.
§Example: §- needs to be italicized when typed l Homo sapien ( man -wise, rational) §-underlined when handwritten l Homo sapien
Examples of Binomial Nomenclature: OrganismsGenusSpecies PumasFelisconcolor (the same color) OceletsFelisparadalis (spotted & like a panther) House catFelis domesticus (of the house)
Ursus horribilis ????????
Try to guess these scientific names using Binomial nomenclature ! 1.Viola missouriensis 2. Musca domestica 3. Hirudo medicinalis 4. Cornus florida 5. Canis familiaris 6. Felis onca 7. Canis latrans A C D E F G B
How Did You Do? §1.Viola missouriensis §2. Musca domestica §3. Hirudo medicinalis §4. Cornus florida §5. Canis familiaris §6. Felis onca §7. Canis latrans A B D E F G C
Binomial Nomenclature Avoids Confusion
For example: Common Names Scientific Name Loblolly pine Long straw pine Pinus taeda Indian pine
Many common names: puncturevine, caltrop, cathead, yellow vine, goathead, burra gokharu and bindii
One Scientific Name: Tribulus terrestris
Starfish ? Sea horse ? Sea cucumber ? Jelly fish ? Reindeer moss ?
= Know what items are being classified = Make many observations about the things to be classified = Classify the things based on the observations = Try to group the most similar things together. = When grouping living things, place the most similar organisms in the same species. = The largest, or most general group of living things is the kingdom.
Levels of Classification Postal ClassificationInsect Classification