The mathematics standard Focus on significant and correct mathematics The learning standard Assessment as an integral part of instruction The equity standard High expectations for all students Multiple approaches
The openness standard Clear rubrics and expectations, with examples and non-examples The inferences standard Use multiple assessments to draw conclusions The coherence standard Aligned with objectives and instruction
What are some types of assessment that fit in each section?
Concepts and Procedures Mathematical Processes Productive Disposition
Tasks that are connected to actual problem-solving activities used in instruction. Could be a task used in problem-based instruction Why? What does the teacher need to do to have the problem that was used for instruction become the formative assessment?
Rubrics Performance indicators Notes See samples in Field Experience Guide p. 73, 75
Students express their own ideas and use their own words and language "The work for many of your instructional tasks can and should go in the journal, communicating that the work is important and you do want to see it even if you are not always going to grade it" (p. 85) You can also use a journal for self-assessment
Provides in-depth information about students‘ conceptual understanding Provides evidence of misunderstandings
"Tests of procedural knowledge should go beyond just knowing how to perform and algorithm and should allow and require the student to demonstrate a conceptual basis for the process" (p. 88). Tips: 1.Permit students to use calculators (except for computation tests) 2.Use manipulatives and drawings 3.Include opportunities for explanations 4.Avoid always using "preanswered" tests
Teach fundamental concepts and processes. Don't be talked into focusing only on procedures in an effort to increase test scores. Teach specific noncontent test taking strategies.
What gets graded gets valued. What does this mean? How can you teach and assess appropriately while still grading?
“Teaching for equity attempts to attain equal outcomes for all students by being sensitive to individual differences” (p. 93). Response to Intervention (RTI) Came from IDEA tiered instruction with “corresponding monitoring of results and outcomes” (p. 96) Utah’s 3 Tiered Model of Mathematics Instruction
explicit strategy instruction should use multiple models can use peer-assisted learning
Before Structure the environment Identify potential barriers During Provide clarity After Consider alternative assessments Emphasize practice and summary
Strategies for ELLs Write and state the content and language objectives Build background Encourage the use of native language Use comprehensible input Explicitly teach vocabulary Plan cooperative/interdependent groups to support language Create partnerships with families
Be aware of gender equity Number of questions Type and depth of questioning Expectations
Don’t Give them more of the same task if they finish quickly Just give them free time if they finish early Always pair them with a less able student to help them Do Provide opportunities for acceleration through curriculum compacting (vertical) Create enrichment activities related to the math concepts (horizontal) Increase the level of complexity or sophistication Provide novel experiences
Use hyperlinked document