Identification of Forest Trees Gymnosperms Cupressaceae (Cypress/Cedar Family) Pinaceae (Pine Family)


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Presentation transcript:

Identification of Forest Trees Gymnosperms Cupressaceae (Cypress/Cedar Family) Pinaceae (Pine Family)

Baldcypress Taxodium distichum var. distichum

Eastern redcedar Juniperus virginiana

loblolly pine Pinus taeda

longleaf pine Pinus palustris

shortleaf pine Pinus echinata

slash pine Pinus elliottii

Virginia pine Pinus virginiana

Identification of Forest Trees Angiosperms Aceraceae (Maple Family) Aquifoliaceae (Holly Family) Betulaceae (Birch Family) Bignoniaceae (Trumpet Creeper Family)

boxelder Acer negundo

red maple Acer rubrum

silver maple Acer saccharinum

American holly Ilex opaca

river birch Betula nigra

southern catalpa Catalpa bignonioides

Identification of Forest Trees Caesalpiniaceae (Legume Family) Cornaceae (Dogwood Family) Ebenaceae (Ebony Family) Ericaceae (Heath Family) Fabaceae (Legume Family)

eastern redbud Cercis canadensis

honeylocust Gleditsia triacanthos

blackgum Nyssa sylvatica

flowering dogwood Cornus florida

common persimmon Diospyros virginiana

sourwood Oxydendrum arboreum

black locust Robinia pseudoacacia

Identification of Forest Trees Fagaceae (Beech/Oak Family)

American beech Fagus grandifolia

black oak Quercus velutina

blackjack oak Quercus marilandica

cherrybark oak Quercus pagoda

chestnut oak Quercus prinus

live oak Quercus virginiana

northern red oak Quercus rubra

overcup oak Quercus lyrata

post oak Quercus stellata

scarlet oak Quercus coccinea

southern red oak Quercus falcata

water oak Quercus nigra

white oak Quercus alba

willow oak Quercus phellos

Identification of Forest Trees Hamamelidaceae (Witch-Hazel Family) Hippocastanaceae (Buckeye Family) Juglandaceae (Hickory/Walnut Family) Lauraceae (Laurel Family) Magnoliaceae (Magnolia Family)

sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua

buckeye Aesculus spp.

hickory Carya spp.

sassafras Sassafras albidum

southern magnolia Magnolia grandiflora

yellow-poplar Liriodendron tulipifera

Identification of Forest Trees Moraceae (Mulberry Family) Oleaceae (Olive Family) Platanaceae (Sycamore Family) Rosaceae (Rose Family) Salicaceae (Poplar/Willow Family) Tiliaceae (Linden Family)

osage-orange Maclura pomifera

red mulberry Morus rubra

ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica

sycamore Platanus occidentalis

black cherry Prunus serotina

black willow Salix nigra

eastern cottonwood Populus deltoides

basswood Tilia americana

Identification of Forest Trees Ulmaceae (Elm Family)

American elm Ulmus americana

hackberry Celtis tenuifolia

slippery elm Ulmus rubra

winged elm Ulmus alata

Pecan Carya illinoinensis


Black Walnut - Juglans nigra