Digital Help Sessions to Enhance Chemistry Courses
Dr. Robert R. Klepper Professor of Chemistry Iowa Lakes Community College Estherville, Iowa
Challenges Faced Too few instructors Too many students Many times under prepared students Not enough time Need to work many problems for student understanding
Digital help sessions were the necessary answer to the problem Increases student contact with the material Decreases instructor total workload – Answer the same question less frequently – Increase the number of different problems the instructor can work
Help sessions done on Elmo Help sessions done on Elmo
Project as student sees them
Finished help session
Link from Web Page
Link from online class
Link to presentations Chapter 1: Chemistry: The Study of Change Chapter 2: Atoms, Molecules, and Ions Chapter 3: Mass Relationships in Chemical Reactions 1) Lysine, an essential amino acid in the human body, contains C, H, O and N. In one experiment the complete combustion of g lysine gave 3.94 g CO 2 and 1.89 g H 2 O. In a separate experiment, g lysine gave g NH 3. Calculate the empirical formula. The molar mass is approximately 150g, what is the molecular formula of lysine? First, determine percent by mass. Then determine empirical formula and molecular formula. Stoichiometry and Limiting Reagents 2) Empirical Formula 01 Chapter4: Reactions in Aqueous Solutions Balancing a Redox Reaction in a Basic Solution acid Base Titration Precipitation Reaction Chapter 5: Gases root mean squared velocity01 Partial Presure01 Ideal Gas Law Density using the ideal gas law Molar Mass using the ideal gas law Gas Stoichiometry Empirical formula and the gas laws Relationships within the ideal gas law with changing conditions Chapter 6: Thermochemistry Chapter 7: Quantum Theory and the Electronic Structure of Atoms
Advantages Students can attend when they have time Students can watch over and over if they need to Students can request specific problems be worked out just like in a regular help session Instructor can archive year after year so library grows.
Disadvantages Right now all formats for video are proprietary, cannot save work as.avi