Forms of Energy
Forms of energy related to changes in matter are kinetic, potential, chemical, electromagnetic, electrical, and thermal
Kinetic energy is the energy of matter in motion Potential energy is the energy an object has because of its position
(EG) A rolling bowling ball has KE and can do work by knocking down pins.
(EG) when a diver climbs up a diving board, he/ she increases her PE
Is energy stored in a chemical bond EG: Methane
It is released when the bond is broken and new bonds are formed
It is a form of potential energy
When a chemical change occurs bonds are broken and new bonds are formed, if it’s exothermic some of the chemical energy is transformed and released in other energy forms
Electromagnetic is a form of energy that travels through space in the form of waves.
Can also cause physical changes
(EG) Radio, infrared, light, x-rays, microwaves
(EG) the microwave can change a frozen block of spaghetti into a hot meal, this is a physical change
Electrical is the energy of electrically charged particles moving from one place to another
Electrodes are metal strips that conduct electricity
Electrolysis: Is a chemical change that involves electricity. Two metal strips are placed in a solution but do not touch. Each electrode is connected to a battery. When the energy begins to flow, atoms of one kind lose electrons at one electrode in the solution. At the other electrode, atoms of a different kind gain electrons, and a new substance results.
During a chemical change chemical energy may be changed to other forms of energy. Other forms of energy may also be changed to chemical energy
(EG) Photosynthesis: Electromagnetic energy to chemical energy
(EG) Burning a fuel: Chemical to electromagnetic and thermal