Wednesday 9/22/2010 DO NOW Answer the following in your science notebook: 1.What is one of the objective’s of today’s class? 2.Fill in the blank: In an.


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Presentation transcript:

Wednesday 9/22/2010 DO NOW Answer the following in your science notebook: 1.What is one of the objective’s of today’s class? 2.Fill in the blank: In an experiment, the control group is the one that does NOT undergo any _______________. 3.What is the SI Base Unit for MASS? 4.Write 54.6 mg into cg. 5.Convert 5000 mL into L.

Class Checklist  No students were talking during the review of the Do Now, during teaching time (note-taking) and during closing.  Every student was on time  Ms. Chan did not ask any student to put away their electronics (cellphones/IPODS)  No curse words were used inside this room.  Every student remained in his/her seat until independent practice.  By the time Ms. Chan goes over this list, every table has 2 chairs behind it.  All students followed the class rules. (Students did not argue with Ms. Chan)  Every student brought THEIR OWN pencil and paper to class.  Every student completed ALL of the class work for the day.  No student had his/her head down during class.  EVERY student turned in the homework ON-TIME.  It took Ms. Chan no more than 10 seconds to get the entire class’s full attention (eyes forward, mouths shut).  All lab equipment was returned to its original location.

Review Do Now 1.What is one of the objective’s of today’s class? 2.Fill in the blank: In an experiment, the control group is the one that does NOT undergo any _______________. A:TREATMENT. 3.What is the SI Base Unit for MASS? A:grams (g) 4.Write 54.6 mg into cg. A:5.46 cg 5.Convert 5000 mL into L. A:5 L

It is not ok to walk into class and immediately begin touching the stuff on the front desk. Consider this your last warning. From this point on, if you start messing with the materials on the front desk, you will lose your participation points for the day.

Agenda Briefly review metric prefix conversions (3 problems) If you still don’t get it, come see me after school. Worksheet We will review the 1 st half together You do the 2 nd half on your own (½ via stations; ½ at your seats) Closing

Review metric conversions Copy down what you don’t know. 1)Convert 4.59 kg into g. A:4590 g 2)Write Dm into mm. A:560 mm. 3)Jill drank 1500 mL of water yesterday, while Bob drank 1.5 L of water. Who drank more? A:1500 mL = 1.5 L 4)Your friend tells you that his 20 year old brother is 99mm tall. Do you believe him? A: 99 mm = 9.9 cm =.099 m

Assignment Title: Scientific Instruments This entire handout is worth 20 points. The first ½ of the front page is a direction instruction. The rest of the handout (including the back), you will complete on your own. The assignment is due TOMORROW at the BEGINNING of class. If you finish it TODAY in class, you don’t have HW tonight.

Name: Triple Beam Balance Purpose: Find mass Name: Ruler (meterstick) Purpose: Find length Name: Stopwatch Purpose: Find time

Name: Graduated Cylinder Purpose: Find volume Key Term: Meniscus

* Meniscus = the little dip in the liquid level

Name: Beaker Purpose: Find volume Name: Newton’s Spring Scale Purpose: Find weight (in NEWTONS)

IP: The rest of the worksheet STATIONS -Let’s read the directions together. -RULES: -There are multiple instruments at each station. Use them as I showed you in class. -There are more people than stations. If Station 1 is crazy crowded, go to another station or answer the review questions first. -BE RESPECTFUL.

IP: The rest of the worksheet DUE TOMORROW. – Finished? Place it in the box. – Not finished? Finish up for homework! Place it in the box as you walk in tomorrow.

Closing What instrument would I use to find the mass of a pencil? What is your homework tonight? What if I finished the worksheet?


Class Checklist  No students were talking during the review of the Do Now, during teaching time (note-taking) and during closing.  Every student was on time  Ms. Chan did not ask any student to put away their electronics (cellphones/IPODS)  No curse words were used inside this room.  Every student remained in his/her seat until independent practice.  By the time Ms. Chan goes over this list, every table has 2 chairs behind it.  All students followed the class rules. (Students did not argue with Ms. Chan)  Every student brought THEIR OWN pencil and paper to class.  Every student completed ALL of the class work for the day.  No student had his/her head down during class.  EVERY student turned in the homework ON-TIME.  It took Ms. Chan no more than 10 seconds to get the entire class’s full attention (eyes forward, mouths shut).

Hey 6 th period! Look around you! Do you see how big your class is??? YOU GUYS ARE LEARNING DESPITE THE FACT THAT THERE ARE 33 PEOPLE SITTING IN HERE! I AM SO IMPRESSED! NICE JOB PEOPLE!