Aim: How can I best prepare for the final exam on June 9th? Do now: Take out all review material (notebook, packet, review book, review sheet). How will you begin to study for the final?
Appeasement To please In an attempt to avoid getting involved in war, Hitler was appeased. He was allowed to take more land
Bay of Pigs Invasion Cold War Era JFK helped Cuban exiles to try to overthrow communist Castro. Failed
Big Stick Policy Teddy Roosevelt U.S. as policeman of the world dealing with Latin America using force
Cold War Tensions between U.S. and Soviets after WWII we adopted containment policy to stop the spread of communism
Cuban Missile Crisis JFK - Cold War era Soviet missiles in Cuba U.S. blockaded Cuba Soviets removed missiles Success
Domino Theory Cold War era belief that if one nation falls to communism, its neighbors will follow
Dust Bowl Great Depression drought caused topsoil to blow away farmers had to abandon land and move Grapes of Wrath
18th Amendment Temperance movement s banning of alcohol unsuccessful
Flapper 1920’s women gain more independence and rights dresses shorter, short hair, jazz rebellious against traditions
Great Depression 1929 to beginning of WWII high unemployment, banks fail, dust bowl due to buying stocks on margin, low wages, too much production and not enough consumption
Guerilla warfare Warfare where it is difficult to see your enemy. Vietnam War
Holocaust Hitler’s annihilation of Jews and other groups in Europe before and during WWII
Hoovervilles Depression era term describing shantytowns named after Pres. Hoover
imperialism Take over and control another nation Causes - desire for more land, power, bases, spread Christianity Need for resources due to expanding economy
Industrial Revolution Late 1800s use of machines; assembly line goods made faster, cheaper factories had bad conditions
inflation Economic condition rising prices
Korean War Cold War era 1950s Communist North Korea invades South U.N. involved never a declared war ended in same lines dividing N and S
Laissez-faire “hands off” government does NOT regulate economy or businesses this allows for monopolies to exist; no controls
League of Nations Pres. Wilson’s plan (14 Points) plan for nations to discuss conflict and avoid war (Treaty of Versailles never ratified by U.S)
Marshall Plan $13 billion aid package to help rebuild Europe after WWII enable them to resist communism
Joseph McCarthy Hunted for subversives believed Communist spies were working in the U.S. government HUAC investigations
Neutrality Acts Before we officially entered WWII we were neutral aided Allies by selling weapons, loans etc.
New Deal FDR - Great Depression programs designed to help bring relief, recovery and reform job programs, Social Security, FDIC etc. increased role of govt
Quota system Nativists wanted limits placed on immigration. Restrictions at various times in our history
Roaring Twenties Economic boom period buying stocks on margin rebellion against traditions Red Scare and Immigration Quotas
Sacco and Vanzetti 1920’s period of RED SCARE these (anarchists) Italian immigrants were executed for a crime which they MAY not have committed. Shows fear of unpopular ideas and immigrants
Scopes Trial 1920’s rise of religious fundamentalism law in Tennessee forbade teaching of evolution John Scopes was tried for breaking law
Social Darwinism “survival of the fittest” theory applied to humans and economic systems encourages no governmental interference
Stock market crash Oct 29, 1929 stocks which were rising fell dramatically as people panicked and sold stocks quickly.
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Workers died in fire because of lack of safety regulations Led to public outcry and more government safety laws (fire escapes, no locked doors)
Truman Doctrine Aid to Greece and Turkey to help them resist communist threat Cold War era
United Nations After WWII set up to bring nations together to avoid future conflicts.
Versailles Treaty After WWI considered a harsh treatment of Germany which had to pay huge reparations and admit responsibility for war. U.S. did not ratify due to fear that the League of Nations would get us involved in future “entanglements” / wars.
Vietnam War North Vietnam wanted to spread communism to South Vietnam Cold War / containment caused us to get involved much opposition in U.S.
Watergate President Nixon scandal break-in by Republicans of Democratic National Committee cover up led to eventual arrest of some govt. officials.
World War II Began in Europe in 1939 U.S. involved in Pearl Harbor millions died led to continued conflicts in Cold War