Canada during the Roaring 20s
POLITICS OF THE 1920s Aurthur Meighen William Lyon Mackenzie King Wilfrid Laurier Robert Borden
1919: Laurier Dies
New Liberal Leader elected: William Lyon Mackenzie King
1920 Borden Resigns Arthur Meighen New Prime Minister
November 2: First ‘licensed’ commercial Radio broadcast
Radio Broadcasting
Hot Rides…
A Country Road…
1927 Ford Model T
1928 Ford Model A Roadster
Arts and Entertainment
First Hockey Night in Canada Foster Hewitt: March 22, 1923
The ‘Group of Seven’
Emily Carr
Silent Films
Felix the Cat
1927 – The First ‘Talkie’ The Jazz Singer is released
Mary Pickford
Jazz & Dance The Charleston
Flappers and Fashion
Recall earlier fashion of 1900s
Flapper Girls “The flapper was the heroine of the Jazz Age. With short hair and a short skirt, with turned- down hose and powdered knees - the flapper must have seemed to her mother like a rebel. No longer confined to home and tradition, the typical flapper was a young women who was often thought of as a little fast and maybe even a little brazen. Mostly, the flapper offended the older generation because she defied conventions of acceptable feminine behavior. The flapper was ‘modern.’”
First female MP Agnes Macphail elected December 6, 1921
The Persons’ Case 1929
The Persons’ Case The Persons’ Case was fought by five Albertan women Emily Murphy Emily Murphy Nellie McClung Nellie McClung Irene Parlby Irene Parlby Henrietta Muir Edwards Henrietta Muir Edwards Louise McKinney Louise McKinney
Canada’s Team includes women for the 1 st time
Percy Williams
Stock Market Crash October 29, 1929