Germany in the 60s
Politic situation Germany was divided into two parts →direct collision of capitalism and communism endindg of the „Adenauer-era“ →new politizication →protest movements especially by the Youth
Elysée-Treaty 22 january 1963 the German chancellor Konrad Adenauer and the French president Charels de Gaulles signed the Elysée-Treaty Amelioration of the French-German relation and collaboration
Kennedy visits Berlin 26 June 1963 first visit of an American president since the wall was built his speech was an expression of his solditarity to Berlin and the FRG
Ludwig Erhard is regarded as the father of the market economy → leitmotif „prosperty for everone“ : chancellor of the FRG
Students‘ movements/ Peace movements Main aims: rethinking of old principles renew of social structures Critisism of: the old univerity and colllege system the grand coalition the missing analysis of the NS-past the Vietnam War
APO/SDS SDS (The Socialist German Student Organisation) follower of the SPD developed into a left-wing orientated and anti- authoritarian organisation with anarchistic ideals demonstrated against the Vietnam War, the emergency laws, the Springer press and the formation of the grand coalition 1965: Rudi Dutschke was elected to its political council in Berlin → proclaimed the formation of the APO (The Outer-Parlamentary Opposition) forms of protests: demonstration, “Sit-ins”
Commune 1 foundation in Berlin in 1967 idea of a new living together →equality of man, woman, child organization of actions: „Pudding-attempt“ later: change of their attitudes robbery→dissolving
Death of Benno Ohnesorg 2nd June 1967 was shot during a demonstration against the dictator of Persia his unjustified death led to enormous reactions as people became aware of the abuse of power by the state
Women‘s movement aims: equality participation and responsibility in politics, economy and administration equality of wages equal educational opportunities ending of the gender-specific division of labour liberty of sex methods: demonstrations organizations fashion
Peace movements Hippies : disapproved hierarchical and autothoritan structures → friendship, solidarity, tolerance, freedom from violence → protests against the Vietnam War
Consequences no real success due to the incompetence of students to stimulate the whole population BUT: trigger of many political developments and peace movements proof for social engagement formation of the RAF
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