Review on expenses Lund – London – Montreal – Marseille Peter Platan
© Peter Platan 2 Definition of terms z These figures cover the time period of – with the exception of summer periods (June- August). However, London is included for June – August, z The time period during which observations have been made includes 43 months in total. z All figures are in EUR and have been converted from local currencies. Exchange rates above. z Expenses have been classified in 9 categories: z Accommodation. Including rental expenses and all expenses related to accommodation such as electricity, water, telephone and heating expenses. z Food. Including all expenses for foodstuffs bought in e.g. supermarkets etc. z School. Including all expenses related to education such as books, copy fees, possible tuition etc. z Clothing. Including expenses for clothes. z Party. Relates to expenses for restaurants, night clubs, drinks, alcohol, entrance fees etc. z Sports. Expenses related to hobbies such as tennis, gym cards etc. z Lunch. Expenses from eating “out”. In other words, food bought and eaten in restaurants and cafeterias. z Travel. Travel expenses such as monthly bus cards, metro tickets, train tickets, airplane etc. z Other. Expenses not related to any of the categories mentioned above. Such as movie tickets, investments in fixed assets (e.g. kitchen utensils, stereo), postage expenses, gifts, extraordinary travel expenses (e.g. trips to Colombia, NYK, L.A, Caribbean), postage, dry cleaner etc.
© Peter Platan 3 Total expenses 1997 – 2001: 38,572 eur 302,2 99,1 30,7 28,8 99,4 17,0 47,7 56,9 215,4 897,0 0,0100,0200,0300,0400,0500,0600,0700,0800,0900,01000,0 Accommodation Food School Clothing Party Sports Lunch Travel Other Total average per month eur / mth eur eur Total expenses 1997 – 2001 Total average monthly expenses
© Peter Platan 4 Summary of total expenses z Total expenses for the period of – accumulate to EUR 38,572. z Average monthly expenses for the time period amount to EUR 897,0 per month. z The largest expenditure item is accommodation (33,7%) followed by other (24,0%) and party (11,1%). z A more detailed analyses is provided on the following pages. z The cities of residence during the time period of – are: Lund 09/97 – 05/98 Lund 09/98 – 05/99 London 06/99 – 08/99 Montreal 09/99 – 05/00 Lund 09/00 – 12/00 Marseille 01/01 – 05/01 Lund 09/01 – 12/01
© Peter Platan 5 Funding
© Peter Platan 6 Average pay-back time Remaining outstanind expenses, eur z The average monthly salary in Finland (year 2002) is approximately 2,220 eur. z Higher education should enable, on average, a 20% higher long-term monthly income. In other words, 444 eur higher income per month. z If the extra income is assumed to be utilised solely for the repayment of education expenses (here € 39,031) it would take 8,7 years to repay the total amount of education related expenses. Time value of money is accounted for (at 4% p.a). Average pay-back time of total expenses 8,7 years. Years
© Peter Platan 7 Total expenses per month z Total expenses for the period of – accumulate to EUR 38,572. z Average monthly expenditure for the period is EUR 897,0 per month. Compounded monthly growth rate 0,4%
Total expenses by category , , , , , , , ,0 Accommod.FoodSchoolClothingPartySportsLunchTravelOther eur ,0 50,0 100,0 150,0 200,0 250,0 300,0 350,0 Accommod.FoodSchoolClothingPartySportsLunchTravelOther eur / mth Total average monthly expenses by category
© Peter Platan 9 Total average monthly expenses (%) by category Accommodation 35 % Clothing 3 % Party 11 % Sports 2 % Lunch 5 % Travel 6 % Other 24 % Food 11 % School 3 % 1. Accommodation 2. Other 3. Food / Party
© Peter Platan 10 Total expenses by city LundLondonMontrealMarseille eur 50% 9% 29% 12%
© Peter Platan 11 Average total monthly expenses by city and time period eur / mth Lund 09/97-05/98 Lund 09/98-05/99 London 06/99-08/99 Montreal 09/99-05/00 Lund 09/00-12/00 Marseille 01/01-05/01 Lund 09/01-12/01 z Highest monthly expenses in Montreal (eur 1,230 per month) z Lowest monthly expenses in Lund during first term (eur 644 per month)
© Peter Platan 12 Proportion of total expenses by city and time period Lund 09/97-05/98 15 % Lund 09/99-05/99 19 % London 06/99-08/99 9 % Montreal 09/99-05/00 28 % Lund 09/00-12/00 9 % Marseille 01/01-05/01 12 % Lund 09/01-12/01 8 %
© Peter Platan eur / mth Lund 09/97-05/98 Lund 09/98-05/99 London 06/99-08/99 Montreal 09/99-05/00 Lund 09/00-12/00 Marseille 01/01-05/01 Lund 09/01-12/01 Average monthly accommodation expenses by city z Highest monthly expenses in Montreal (eur 392 per month) z Lowest monthly expenses in Lund during second term (eur 243 per month)
© Peter Platan 14 Average monthly food expenses by city eur / mth Lund 09/97-05/98 Lund 09/98-05/99 London 06/99-08/99 Montreal 09/99-05/00 Lund 09/00-12/00 Marseille 01/01-05/01 Lund 09/01-12/01 z Highest monthly expenses in Lund during fifth term (eur 124 per month) z Lowest monthly expenses in London (eur 59 per month). However, proportion of food expenses category low in London as most food was eaten out (e.g. restaurants etc. and classified as lunch).
© Peter Platan 15 Average monthly party expenses by city eur / mth Lund 09/97-05/98 Lund 09/98-05/99 London 06/99-08/99 Montreal 09/99-05/00 Lund 09/00-12/00 Marseille 01/01-05/01 Lund 09/01-12/01 z Highest monthly expenses in London (eur 274 per month) !! z Lowest monthly expenses in Lund during first term (eur 243 per month) z No life in Lund during first term, too much in London in 3 months!
© Peter Platan 16 Average monthly lunch expenses by city eur / mth Lund 09/97-05/98 Lund 09/98-05/99 London 06/99-08/99 Montreal 09/99-05/00 Lund 09/00-12/00 Marseille 01/01-05/01 Lund 09/01-12/01 z Highest monthly expenses in London (eur 102 per month) z Lowest monthly expenses in Lund during first term (eur 23 per month) z In line with food expenses as most of food was eaten out in London (eating out categorised as lunch expense).
© Peter Platan 17 Lund: Average expenditure pattern Accommodation 36 % Clothing 2 % Party 11 % Sports 2 % Travel 7 % Other 19 % Lunch 4 % School 4 % Food 15 % 1. Accommodation 2. Other 3. Food
© Peter Platan 18 London: Average expenditure pattern Accommodation. 24 % Clothing 8 % Party 24 % Sports 2 % Travel 9 % Other 19 % Food 5 % School 0 % Lunch 9 % 1. Accommodation / Party 2. Other
© Peter Platan 19 Montreal: Average expenditure pattern Accommodation 32 % Clothing 4 % Party 8 % Sports 2 % Other 36 % Travel 2 % Lunch 5 % School 5 % Food 6 % 1. Other 2. Accommodation 3. Party
© Peter Platan 20 Marseille: Average expenditure pattern Accommodation 39 % Party 8 % Other 25 % Clothing 1 % Sports 0 % Food 11 % School 0 % Lunch 6 % Travel 10 % 1. Accommodation 2. Other 3. Food
© Peter Platan 21 Final Summary All figures in euros