LBNL Library Committee (LLC) Michel Van Hove Chair LLC / Chair CSAC / MSD / ALS February 28, 2005
How does LBNL fare?
Membership DivisionMemberOther divisional representatives AFRDEric EsareyWilliam Fawley ALSJohn Bozek ASD- CRDEsmond NgDoug Olson CSDCorwin Booth (future chair) EETDDouglas BlackVenkat Srinivasan EH&S- EngGregory D. Stover ESDGlenn WaychunasJohn N. Christensen Fac- FSD- Gen/JGIInna Dubchak HR- ITSD Jane Tierney (Library) Jose Olivares (Library) Ted Sopher (users) LSDAlbert Davalos Shyamala Harris Tamas Torok Ulli Weier MSDMichel Van Hove (chair)Edith Bourret-Courchesne NERSCEsmond Ng NSDRichard Firestone PBDNigel Moriarty PhysRobert Cahn
Committee Charter Proposed changes: —LLC advises LBNL, ITSD and CSAC —The LLC is composed of a member of each scientific and engineering division and ITSD, selected by the Division Directors in consultation with the LLC Chair, to represent LBNL’s scientific needs and the library management language to accommodate volunteers? specify term of membership? —Recommendations for the next calendar year journal selections are due in August of the preceding calendar year
Committee web site Please comment on content — To contain: —Charter —Membership list —Meeting schedule —Minutes of meetings, with presentations —Relevant documents and links —?
Committee tasks - short term Journal restoration: done! Impact/alleviation of temporary journal interruption Review survey results of 1/ journal preference: 6/ Web of Science 10/ Library use monthly Library statistics:
Committee tasks - medium term 1 Request increase of LBNL Library budget and staffing for parity with other DOE labs: for FY06 budget and beyond Clarify JGI’s situation —mix of LBNL and LLNL employment —JGI is within LBNL network, not LLNL network —should LLNL pay LBNL for their employees’ use of LBNL library? —analogous situation: UC personnel using LBNL library Refine journal restoration – by August 2005 —establish criteria —divisional balance —institutional vs. divisional vs. group vs. individual subscriptions —how count guests, UCB personnel, JGI —role of interlibrary loans
Methods for journal selection Can we devise an objective formula? maybe not Compare with other labs —LLNL has informal approach (Bronis de Supinski, LLNL Lib. Adv. Comm. Chair) : since library budget is flat or decreasing, cuts are needed annually, Library sets up target list for cuts based on usage aim to cut journals underused for last 2 (or 1) years committee members vet the resulting cuts (e.g. by polling their directorates or by own decision) cut, then restore if anyone is very upset if very upset, try to get directorates to help fund subscriptions try to avoid personal subscriptions (discouraged by LLNL): co-fund those —check with other labs, UCB, … Selection criteria —we can start from scratch: “reinvent the library”! —periodic polling to measure needs and preferences? more detailed polling, e.g. weight by usage? in any case, lots of work for pollees and pollers… —rank based on needs/preferences (as done in 2005) —include cost/benefit ratio —find divisional interest: co-fund or fully fund through divisions? —group subscriptions: for small groups, e.g. <10; co-fund? —individual subscriptions: co-fund? —role/cost of interlibrary loans —role/cost of individual article download
Committee tasks - medium term 2 Review search databases —Web of Science —Current Contents —INSPEC, etc. Address fate of physical collection —maintenance —space —access Discuss role of branch libraries —bldg. 62 —(Donner Library already closed) Address problem of Elsevier, and the like
Committee tasks - long term 1 Determine budget model —individual vs. joint vs. institutional subscriptions —co-funding: library + divisions + groups + individuals —bundled vs. individual journals —divisional balance —interlibrary loans —criteria for selecting/deselecting journals e.g. need 10+ people, rank by point total —discretionary fund for journals highly needed by few people? —cost/benefit per journal? —library use by guests, facility users (ALS, NCEM, Molecular Foundry, …) Hold periodic surveys? Present annual report to Lab Director? Coordinate with individual and divisional collections (outside LBNL Library)
Committee tasks - long term 2 Discuss access by UCB personnel to LBNL Library —to save LBNL $ Coordinate with UC and DOE libraries —collaborate with UCB, DOE, other? —outsourcing to UCB, DOE, other? Define policy on books, reference materials Coordination with Records and Archives —incl. DOE-OSTI (Office of Scientific and Technical Information) Discuss collective/grassroots publishing —e.g. Public Library of Science
Next meeting Date and Time —? Topics —presentation by Michael Eisen on Public Library of Science? —how restore library staffing? —work on journal selection criteria —impact/alleviation of temporary journal interruption —clarify JGI situation?