Standard Contract Forum 1 February Customer Suite, BT Centre, London
Standard Contract Forum Thursday 1 Feb 2007 AGENDA 1 Introduction and Notes of Previous Meeting 2 Consult 21 3 AIT Update 4 Review of New and Amended Schedules 5 Any Other Business
Consult21 January 07 Update Tim Short
Steering Board Agenda End User Communications Update – including Broadband Impacts & Communication (from Comms Working Group discussion 12 th Jan) Joe Kelly Monthly Progress Report / Plan UpdateIan Stirrat Condoc Summaries / Current Consultations (with response information) & Working Group Updates Nigel Scott Consultation futures: How we consult; Closing to Industry; Website security Nigel Scott Steering Board Refresh DiscussionAll AOB Systems & Processes Working Group – new co-Chair proposed – Marian Goody (global Crossing) & Working Group to go on a quarterly basis. For Steering Board agreement & endorsement – briefing C21-SP-005 All
End User Communications Options: Blanket mail drop to every home CPs provide their broadband customer date for Carlson to distribute on a named basis (Pooling Data) CPs distribute the information packs to their own broadband customers CPs their Broadband customers with the information Part of ISP’s/CP’s E-Letters or Billing Information letters Don’t mail Broadband Customers but do more local advertisements A mixture of the above
Consult21 Review, Refresh & Re-launch of Scope, Structure & Operation January 2007
Environment General consensus that Consult21 offers a useful engagement platform Long term desire for BAU Working Groups perhaps designed for “yesterday”. Evolution to condoc driven activity not issues The relationship with other areas BT-CP, NGNuk, NICC, BAU forums.
Scope of Consult21 (1) Currently defined by 21CN: products and end users migrating to it, and the initial “obligatory” products to be launched on it. Several Working Groups are close to achieving their objectives. Systems interfaces defined 20CN product trajectories clear Initial products Still outstanding areas to address in depth VIC, MSIL, Broadband, NGN Interconnect etc Implementation in it’s infancy
Next Steps: Gather Views To maintain and improve existing: What works well, what could be improved, and how? Are processes appropriate and sufficiently robust? To seek industry views on whether Consult21 should continue, and if so what: Scope, objectives Structure: Steering Board, Working Groups etc Achieved through Consultation, or Steering Board Management?
Working Group Status RAGRAG January 2007 Architecture & Framework Network Structure Systems & Processes Products Interconnect & Portfolio Broadband Line Access Point to Point Implementation & Migration Communications A G A A A G G G
Network Structure RAG Status Amber Key Issues (For Discussion) The work being carried out by the WG is falling onto the shoulders of a handful of individuals, and we are still seeking to identify additional people who can share the remaining activities, and thus spread the responsibility across the wider Communications Provider community. Briefing C21-NS-007 refers. Consideration is being given to assigning the technical consultation of the SVLAN over the MSIL to the this WG (at present it is with the P2P WG). This is because the specification of the SVLAN needs to reflect the needs of the different services that will be transported. Moreover, the SVLAN extends beyond the MSIL itself and has a network context, not just a point-to-point context Key Milestones December/January Achievements This working group is managing the consultation on the technical aspects of the service VLAN for next generation PSTN voice interconnect. This includes important considerations such as resilience, granularity, efficiency, and latency. The condoc was issued in December and is expected to be concluded in February Work is also proceeding on the network inventory. This is network topological and location data related to obligatory products that CPs need to know for investment planning purposes. A condoc on the utility of the data schema is being prepared and is expected to be issued in January 2007 Time (A)Cost (G)Quality (G) Customer Sat. (G) Status: Information (A) January / February Work plan Progressing the consultation on SVLAN for NGN voice interconnect with bilaterals prior to the deadline for comments. The intention will be to expose some initial conclusions at the NS WG on 30 Jan.
Systems & Processes RAG Status Green Key Issues (For Discussion) Request the 21CN Programme Board to re-visit their decision to delay implementing the 20CN/21CN systems identifier for Voice. Co-Chair of working Group (Geoff Izzard, NTL:Telewest) leaving that company – Marian Goody of Global Crossing to confirm if she can replace him. Key Milestones December/January Achievements Issued v3 of the Systems Roadmap updating Industry on known systems changes. There are now some minor 21CN systems and data field changes identified. TSR undertakings and BT Wholesale interface changes are also included to bring all CP impacting systems changes into one place. Systems & Processes Working Group held 8 th December – low attendance, however did cover: General BT Systems update, Dialogue Services, Security requirements and address matching. Follow-up call held 10 th January with greater CP attendance where we agreed to move Working group frequency to quarterly beginning March 16 th. Building on the C21 S&P work, the NICC B2B WG has: adopted C21 developed requirements; published 5 management documents including ToRs, work plan, stakeholder analysis and best practice guide; and has issued first 2 UK standards covering B2B architectural principles, and CP-to-CP B2B gateway development January/February Work plan Supporting I&M WG on operational systems issues as Pathfinder progresses. NICC B2B will agree priorities for the next phase of its work plan at a meeting on the 26 th January. An expert sub-group has identified 9 areas to focus on starting with establishing use case scenarios, process and data standards. CPs are encouraged to support this key activity to improve the automation of CP-to-CP inter-working Status: Time (G)Cost (G)Quality (G) Customer Sat. (G) Information (A)
Interconnect & Portfolio RAG Status Green Key Issues (For discussion) All issues described in milestones. Key Milestones December / January Achievements Opened Consultation on PSTN Emulation Experts Group Recommendations Opened Consultation on Service VLAN definition for NGN Call Conveyance Provided new Option 4 in Process for Agreeing Minutes for Right- Sizing on Migration Introduced Consultation on VIC minutes Table Review Process Introduced Consultation on Materiality Of VIC Overflow Introduced new Option for calculating Blended rates surcharge January/ February Work plan Close PSTN Emulation Experts Group Recommendations Consultation Open Consultation on Proposals from Blended Rates Billing Experts Group Close Consultation on Service VLAN definition for NGN Call Conveyance Open discussion on operational planning for NGN Migration Open Consultation on VIC Minutes Table Review Process Open Consultation on Materiality Of VIC Overflow Agree option for calculating Blended rates surcharge Status: Time (G)Cost (G)Quality (G) Customer Sat. (G) Information (G)
Broadband (inc LLU) RAG Status Amber Key Issues (For Discussion) Commercials are required for the QoS aspects of WBC. These will be discussed at the January meeting. Many customers require out of hours Datastream grooming especially for business customers and ask that this is considered. Customers require more detail on Managed Broadband Connect before they can make strategic decisions Customers are concerned about the migration plan including costs from Datastream to WBC Industry remain concerned about IPstream migration to 21CN (e.g. number of CBUK changes and impacts on their own systems and call centres) WBC Consultation will have to be extended into February 2007 to take commercial considerations into account Key Milestones December/January Achievements Working Group held on 20 December people attended representing 14 CPs plus BT Wholesale. The main agenda items were: MSIL Pricing, launch of Wholesale Converged Access Consultation, IPstream Transfer Engineering Condoc closure and updates on Datastream and wBC Condocs. IPstream consultation now closed. January/February Work plan Next Working Group is on 23rd of January Agenda to include (for wBC) : Deep Dive on Aggregation Points Provision times and overview of the process for the provision of SVLANs and AP bandwidth QoS Pricing Exchange to AP mapping for the trial A Refresh on Migrations and Customer Experience Time (R)Quality (A) Customer Sat. (A) Status: Information (A) Cost (G)
Line Access RAG Status: Green Key Issues Further work required in NICC, Consult21 Network Structures WG and in BTW to support the network aspects of the VLA product. Industry are concerned that agreeing technical requirements and standards are now on the critical path. Further work is still required to establish market demand for the VLA product. The ISDN version of the product (most in demand) will not be available until at least a year after the launch in 2008 due to lack of standards. Status: Key Milestones December/January Achievements The Line Access Working Group met on 18 th January with 17 people representing 8 CPs plus Ofcom, BT Wholesale and Openreach. The key topic was the continuing work on Voice Line Access. January/February Work plan The next meeting is to be held on 26 th February The plan is to reissue the VLA Condoc by end January 2007, closing consultation in March Future consultation will then to move to Openreach. Feasibility April - May NICC Standards for VLA become available approx July Aiming for launch of VLA in March A technical sub-committee will meet in January 2007 to discuss Standards and to liaise with Network Structures and NICC to help to ensure that VLA standards are agreed at NICC in mid Time (G)Cost (G)Quality (G) Customer Sat. (G) Information (G)
Point to Point RAG Status Amber Key Issues Plan of record for sub 2M products needs to be further amended to clarify some points. Openreach WES/ONES Consultation document issued and will finally close in January Noting that Sub 2M products in 21CN have progressed to RIA, Industry still have concerns that these developments are being given insufficient priority and resource. Work ongoing in January and February Utility customers Consultation closure report awaited and in delay. CPs are concerned about the process allowing them to order and obtain space at Metro Nodes. Time (R)Cost (G)Quality (G) Customer Satisfaction (G ) Status: Key Milestones December/January Achievements Working Group meeting held on 21 st December, attended by 11 people, representing 4 CPs plus BTW and Openreach. Key issues covered were: ONES Condoc, Sub 2M Analogue circuits, MSIL, Linkage and timing of Consultations January/February Work Plan Next P2P WG meetings on 25 th January 2007 and 21 st February BTW will issue a closure document in January 2007on Utility Customers consultation. ONES Condoc will close for final Industry input on 5 January with an Openreach closure on 12 January Condoc on SVLANs within MSIL to be issued and discussions commenced in January Information (G)
Migration Communications RAG Status Green Key Issues Continued need for ISP engagement/involvement in this working group Key Milestones December/January Achievements At the 12 th January Working Group a full discussion took place on: Communicating Broadband. The recommendation from the Working Group was: i) the pooling of data which Carlson will use to distribute the material ii) the opt out option of ISPs distributing the material themselves. This will be trialled and reviewed. Reseller Communications – agreed that a re-seller event (either virtual or face to face) is required. Timing will be crucial – likely to be 2 nd half of year. Joe will document the proposal for the Steering Board meeting. Product Withdrawals – agreed that a “Teaching the Teachers” event on product withdrawal is required. Either virtual or face to face. Joe will present the proposal at the Steering Board meeting. December switched-on Dashboard circulated. January/February Work plan Continue work started on above key issues and the general switched-on communication for the local communities and special needs requirements. Next Working Group is planned for 2 nd Feb. Time (G)Cost (G)Quality (G) Customer Sat. (G) Status: Information (G)
Implementation & Migration (&CT) RAG Status Amber Key Issues (For Discussion) 1.Framework required for planning for Tranche 2/3 of DLE to NGS migration [from I&P WG] 2.Resolution of the PEW window issue (phase1b +) 3.Timeline for ISDN migration required 4.Further clarity/discussion of impacts required on BB migration implementation [ongoing through experts groups] Key Milestones December/January Achievements Published: Testing & Pathfinder update briefings Had the initial pathfinder 1a review meeting with industry The CTWG activities have been fully integrated into the Working group plan January /February Work plan Confirm the plan for completing 1a migration – note ph1A RAG is currently red Formally update Operational Readiness Reviews process for Ph1b onwards Complete 1a migration review Complete the migration process test exercise for voice quality gate 2 to quality gate 6 Test & trials workshop for BB (to finalise plan) Commence pathfinder reviews for DLE to NGS migration Time (A)Cost (A)Quality (G) Customer Satisfaction (A) Status: Information (A)
Standard Contract Forum 2007 Update on revision of AIT Annex E of SIA Erica Cumming Commercial Lawyer, Core Network Services, Legal & Business Services 1 February 2007 Page 1
Standard Contract Forum 2007 Current Annex E outdated Definition of “AIT” too narrow Does not necessarily reflect what is happening in practice Disputes are lengthened by involvement of too many parties Unnecessarily complicated Page 2
Standard Contract Forum 2007 Joint Effort BT has been working with an industry group (incl. mobile operators, originating and terminating network operators and aggregators) to redraft the current Annex E Aim was to make the process simpler and clearer Greater clarity of the roles and responsibilities of the parties Timeframes make the overall process more expedient Use of standard forms Parties required to put more effort into explaining why a retention is made or reasons rejecting that retention Page 3
Standard Contract Forum 2007 “AIT” has been broadened and geographic calls have been excluded “AIT” 2 limbs: 1 st Calls for benefit of a party connected to a telecommunication service as a result of activity by that party or on their behalf AND 2 nd Calling pattern of calls disproportionate to pattern would expect from: - good faith usage; or - acceptable and reasonable commercial practice Not “good faith”Situations which are NOT good faith usage or an (paragraph 2.2)acceptable and reasonable commercial practice: - customer is misled - breach ICSTIS code (unless “minor” – as defined in ICSTIS Sanctions Guide) -activity intended to prevent billing system capturing necessary information Page 4
Standard Contract Forum 2007 Process Timeline: 1 st “AIT calendar day” = 1 st day of the calendar month after the date of the call traffic 14 th ONO sends A1 Retention Notice to TNO (16 th if via TO) explaining why they have a “reasonable suspicion” of AIT 26 th ONO or TO provides AIT Call Data to TNO explaining why the data shows a “reasonable suspicion” of AIT. If no data provided A1 is withdrawn 34 th If TNO disagrees issues a Rejection Notice 49 th ONO or TO issues Dispute Notice, or may withdraw dispute with a Withdrawal Notice 54 th If unresolved then becomes an “AIT Dispute”. Parties free to chose how to resolve the dispute (ie., ADR, court) 10 mths After 10 months, an AIT Dispute deemed to be Resolved in favour of ONO if parties to dispute have not: - agreed to commencing a form of binding dispute resolution - commenced court proceedings; or - have agreement in writing of resolution (achieved via non- Page 5 binding dispute resolution process)
Standard Contract Forum 2007 Initiating A1 Retention Notice: Under the new Annex E provisions, in transit situations the A1 Retention Notice can be issued by: -ONO: ONO to the TNO via BT (ie., initial A1 retention Notice via BT but then ONO and TNO to serve notices directly on each other and merely copy to BT); OR -TO: In exceptional cases * BT (if BT has AIT Data which the ONO doesn’t have – BT will deal directly with the TNO and copy in the ONO) *exceptional cases = only BT aware of AIT due to nature of AIT This will speed up the resolution process. It will also enable BT to respond quickly to certain types of AIT which for technical reasons the ONO may not pick up Page 6
Standard Contract Forum 2007 Information to be provided as part of the A1 Retention Notice: -Reasons for holding a “reasonable suspicion” of AIT (with reference to the definition of AIT) -Estimated value of sums to be retained -Estimated total duration and/or number of relevant calls -Start and end dates when relevant calls were made -Full dialled telephone number(s) (unless exceptional circumstances*) * Exceptional circumstances may include informal/formal regulatory alerts or investigations or calling patterns which suggest a party is attempting to disguise AIT activity across a block of numbers In exceptional circumstances may provide incomplete dialled numbers provided uses best endeavours to supply full numbers as soon as possible, but no later than 26 th AIT calendar day Page 7
Standard Contract Forum 2007 AIT Call Data: -Partial CLI of calling party -Full dialled destination number(s) (unless exceptional circumstances) -Start times, durations, dates -Detailed written explanation of why the AIT Call Data above supports a reasonable suspicion of AIT In exceptional circumstances may provide data later, but still no later than 26 th AIT calendar day Page 8
Standard Contract Forum 2007 AIT Indicators: -May be minor additions to list of AIT Indicators in current Annex E -This will form part of wider industry consultation and will be seeking views of industry bodies such as TUFF -New methods of AIT are constantly evolving so may need a mechanism to update the list….. Page 9
Standard Contract Forum 2007 AIT Disputes: -Arbitration problematic given nature of AIT disputes (ie., may involve three parties across two SIA contracts, mediation or court proceedings may be more suitable depending on the circumstances and in practice AIT disputes have been dealt with relatively quickly once the relevant parties start communicating) -New Annex E will not proscribe any particular form of dispute resolution – that will be totally up to the relevant parties. -“AIT Dispute” = “a dispute relating to AIT or suspected AIT between a Party serving an A1 Retention Notice and a TNO and which remains unresolved: (a)5 Working Days after a Party has validly served a Dispute Notice; or (b)on the 54 th AIT calendar day in the absence of a Dispute Notice having been served…” -Important Note: the new “AIT Disputes” in Annex E do not take away or change the nature of any “SIA contractual disputes” Page 10
Standard Contract Forum 2007 AIT Disputes: - Standard of proof to permanently retain the sums is a “strong and convincing suspicion” of AIT (whereas the initial retention requires the slightly less onerous “reasonable suspicion”) - 4 different AIT Disputes scenarios: Non-Transit: 1. ONO & TNO Transit: 2. ONO & TNO (all parties agree to let TO stay out of dispute) 3. TO & TNO 4. ONO & BT & TNO (may begin as TO & TNO dispute) - Depending on the parties to the dispute (who may Parties under 2 different SIAs) the Annex sets out what will be accepted as dispute resolution and indicates what consent is required, by whom and whether or not a formal assignment of rights is necessary for particular courses of action. -Deemed resolution if parties take no action to resolve it after 10 months Page 11
Standard Contract Forum 2007 Implementation Plan: Draft sent to the working group (1 Feb) Working group final comment (1 March) Aim to consult with industry at large (April / May) Will need to have a definite industry-wide commencement date once all parties signed-up Release for signature (June / July) New Annex E will benefit all parties by clarifying process, speeding up disputes and lessening fraud or at least identifying and halting it expediently Page 12
Standard Contract Forum ONO Initiated Non-Transit Retention Page 13 ONO has “reasonable suspicion” of AIT and serves A1 on TNO by 14 th AIT Day TNO ONO provides TNO with “AIT Call Data” by 26 th AIT Day TNO TNO serves Rejection Notice to ONO by 34 th AIT Day If ONO doesn’t provide AIT Call Data ONO serves Withdrawal (or is deemed to) = NO AIT ONO ONO serves Dispute Notice to TNO by 49 th AIT Day If TNO doesn’t issue Rejection then must give credit note to ONO (or deemed to) by 41 st AIT Day TNO A1 Retention Notice AIT Call Data Withdrawal Notice Rejection Notice Dispute Notice service Or ONO serves Withdrawal [or is deemed to] to TNO by 49 th AIT Day = ONO pays + interest ONO AIT Dispute with TNO TNO AIT Dispute with ONO AIT Dispute O 14 AIT Dispute
Standard Contract Forum ONO Initiated Transit Retention Page 14 ONO has “reasonable suspicion” of AIT and issues A1 to TO by 14 th AIT Day TO re-issues A1 to TNO by 16 th AIT Day TNO ONO provides TNO with “AIT Call Data” (and copy to TO) by 26 th AIT Day TO TNO TNO serves Rejection Notice to ONO (and copies TO) by 34 th AIT Day TO If ONO doesn’t provide AIT Call Data ONO serves Withdrawal (or is deemed to) = NO AIT ONO ONO serves Dispute Notice to TNO (and copies to TO) by 49 th AIT Day If TNO doesn’t issue Rejection then must give credit note to TO (or deemed to) by 41 st AIT Day TO TNO A1 Retention Notice AIT Call Data Withdrawal Notice Rejection Notice Dispute Notice copy service copy service issue re-issue TO then gives credit note to ONO by 48 th AIT Day Or ONO serves Withdrawal [or is deemed to] to TNO (and copy to TO) by 49 th AIT Day = ONO pays + interest ONO AIT Dispute with TNO TNO AIT Dispute with ONO TO AIT Dispute O 14 AIT Dispute
Standard Contract Forum TO Initiated Transit Retention Page 15 TO sends copy of A1 to ONO TO has “reasonable suspicion” of AIT and issues A1 to TNO by 14 th AIT Day TNO TO provides TNO with “AIT Call Data” (and copy to TO) by 26 th AIT Day TNO TNO serves Rejection Notice to ONO (and copies TO) by 34 th AIT Day TO If TO doesn’t provide AIT Call Data TO serves Withdrawal (or is deemed to) = NO AIT ONO If TNO doesn’t issue Rejection then must give credit note to TO (or deemed to) by 41 st AIT Day TO serves Dispute Notice to TNO (and copies to ONO) by 49 th AIT Day TNO A1 Retention Notice AIT Call Data Withdrawal Notice Rejection Notice Dispute Notice copy service copy service Or TO serves Withdrawal [or is deemed to] to TNO (and copy to ONO) by 49 th AIT Day = TO pays + interest TO AIT Dispute with TNO TNO AIT Dispute with TO ONO AIT Dispute O 14 AIT Dispute TO sends copy of A1 to ONO copy TO passes to ONO
Standard Contract Forum 2007 Any Questions?
Standard Contract Forum 1 February 2007 Keith Mitchinson 1 February 07
Standard Contract Forum 1 February 2007 DLE CLOSURE/21CN – SIA IMPACT: PROCESS Preliminary Contract Notice (6 October 2006) Interconnect Notification and SCF brief General Contract Notice (31 October 2006) Interconnect Notification 06050, SCF brief and SIA paragraph 28 notices Updated SIA Reference Offer (31 October 2006)
Standard Contract Forum 1 February 2007 INDUSTRY GENERIC CONTRACT CHANGES: Annex A - new para 3.4 Annex D - revised “BT DLE” definition; new "BT Virtual DLE", "EBC Matrix" and "VIC" Schedule 01 - new para (VIC impact) Schedule new para 9.15 (VIC impact) Schedules 101/105/106/141 - largely DLE closure impact
Standard Contract Forum 1 February 2007 SIA CONTRACT DOCUMENTATION REVISED DOCUMENTS: 102 BT Transit Calls via the BT System 120 National Operator Assistance Service 122 International Operator Assistance Service 125 Emergency Service (including Post Code Allocation for Fixed Emergency Calls) 143 Carrier Pre-Selection
Standard Contract Forum 1 February 2007 SIA CONTRACT DOCUMENTATION (Cont) NEW SCHEDULE : 403 Operator Corporate Customer Service Calls