Sandra Beaufoy HR Adviser, Equality and Diversity The Equality Act 2010
Background to the Equality Act 2010 Consolidates nine separate pieces of anti-discrimination legislation into a Single Act Streamlines and simplifies existing protection into one place. Lack of progress in Great Britain on equality
What does the Equality Act do? Updates and amends existing strands of anti-discrimination law. Creates a new Single Equality Duty on public bodies (including HEIs) Supports equal pay and removal of secrecy clause in discussing pay
What else does the Equality Act do? Changes - definition of direct discrimination, and of specific protected characteristics Extended protection for disabled people Breastfeeding now explicitly protected. Extends the scope for positive action
What else does the Equality Act do? New protection on grounds of pregnancy & maternity Limitations on the use of health related questions during recruitment & selection Wider equality objectives – in tenders New protection from third party harassment
What is the Equality Duty? Equality duty is a duty on public bodies, including HEIs and others carrying out public functions. Consists of a general duty, with 3 main aims – came into force 1 st October 2010 And specific duties, which are intended to help public bodies meet the general duty – came into force 10 th September 2011
Protected Characteristics Age Disability Gender Reassignment Race Religion or Belief (includes lack of belief) Sex Sexual Orientation Pregnancy and Maternity Marriage and civil partnership
General Duty – 3 main aims It requires HEIs to have due regard to the need to: Combat discrimination, victimisation and harassment Promote equality of opportunity Foster good relations
How to demonstrate due regard Consider the three aims of the general duty when making decisions as employers and education and service providers; e.g: When developing, evaluating and reviewing policies Designing, delivering and evaluating services Commissioning and procuring services from others
The Specific Duties General duty underpinned by a number of specific duties: Publish annually information to demonstrate compliance with the Equality Duty by 31 January 2012 Publish at least every four years, one or more specific and measurable equality objective – 6 April 2012
Types of Discrimination covered by the Act Direct discrimination – by association – by perception – the discriminator’s characteristics Indirect discrimination Combined discrimination/dual characteristics – not yet in force
What this means for the University Review/revise all policies and procedures to ensure compliance with the Act which will include undertaking equality analysis (EIAs) Review Single Equality Scheme/Action Plan Consult and communicate changes/ actions to departments
What this means for the University Prepare and publish information on: Effect of policies and practices Evidence of equality analysis undertaken Equality objectives Details of engagement undertaken
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