Ethnicity and health inequalities Jabeer Butt, OBE Race Equality Foundation
Why focus on ethnicity? Source: Trust for London topics/londons-geography-population/londons- population-by-ethnicity/
Recognise this ?
Source – London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine White – British White – non- British Black or Black British Asian or Asian- British
Deprivation in London in 2007 and 2010
Life expectancy at birth, 2012 Source:
Exploring the evidence on poor health outcomes for black and minority ethnic communities Early Life Stress/ mental wellness Work Social exclusion Communication Unemployment Social support Addiction
Improving health outcomes for black and minority ethnic communities Improve maternity services Better public health Better education Talking therapies Enforce equality legislation Address isolation Address in-work poverty Improve urban primary care Better housing
Possible solutions? Give every child the best start in life; Enable all children, young people and adults to maximise their capabilities and have control over their lives; Create fair employment and good work for all; Ensure healthy standard of living for all; Create and develop healthy and sustainable places and communities; Strengthen the role and impact of ill-health prevention.