By Maria, Jo and Sheena
Health and Safety at work Act (1974) Children Act ( 2004) Equality Act (2010) Education and skills act (2008)
Act established in 1974 This is an Act of the Parliament of the UK Secures the Health and safety and welfare of person’s at work. Employers have a legal requirement to complete risk assessments and provide PPE Employers can be prosecuted under this Act
Underpins “Every Child matters” To ensure the safety and well being of Children and Young people, to reach their full potential. Aims to improve and integrate childrens services Gives Local Authorities a lead role
Brings together many other Acts such as :- Equal Pay act (1970) Sex discrimination (1975) Race Relations Act (1976) Disability and Discriminations Act (1995) Updated to include direct and Inderect discrimiation and harrasment.
In Place from 2013 Raised the minimum age that a person can leave education or training from 16 to 17 in 2013 By 2015, the age will be raised to 18 Places a duty on local authorities to promote participation of your people in their areas.
Legislation and Acts are in place to ensure the safety, and wellbeing if individuals in the UK.