Arctic Data and Modeling Needs for Improved Arctic System Synthesis: Community-Identified Issues Workshop Organizing Committee: Charles J. Vörösmarty & Dave McGuire (Co-Chairs), Janet Intrieri, Larry Hinzman, Marika Holland, Maribeth Murray, Josh Schimel, John Weatherly Briefing to the AC 2-4 May 2007, Washington DC
Community Discussions on Arctic Data, Modeling and Synthesis Not New 1996 ARCSS All-Hands Workshop 2000 ARCSS Synthesis, Integration, Modeling Studies (SIMS) AO 2003 Report by AC's ad hoc ARCSS Data Working Group 2004 Report by AC's ad hoc ARCSS Data Working Group 2005 Letter by AC outlining recommendations for a revised ARCSS data management structure 2006 (March) 1st ARCSS eTown Meeting 2006 (Dec) Fall AGU Town Meeting 2007 (March) 2nd ARCSS eTown Meeting And…in the same time frame - SEARCH, IPY, AON, and the current ARCSS move toward synthesis planned and implemented
ARCSS Synthesis Workshop: New Perspectives through Data Discovery and Modeling 2-4 April 2007, Bell Harbor Center, Seattle WA GOAL: Bring together data provider & data user communities to identify innovative approaches on data management and assimilation, recent developments in technology, and modeling that will advance arctic system synthesis -more than IT, archiving, metadata standards, data management alone -process as much as products: identify challenges holding us back, but also success stories & promising new approaches -ways to structure the way we do business to identify and nurture advances not yet identified -advice can we give NSF on investments in data and modeling-rich synthesis?
ARCSS Synthesis Workshop: New Perspectives through Data Discovery and Modeling 2-4 April 2007, Bell Harbor Center, Seattle WA CONVENED BY: ARCSS, SEARCH, IARC PARTICIPANTS (>50): Data Providers, Technology and Information Technology Experts, Data Consumers, Knowledge Brokers VISION TALKS Data Provider Perspectives (Marc Levy, Columbia University) Technology and IT Perspectives (Mark Parsons, NSIDC) Data Consumer Perspectives (John Walsh, IARC/UAF; Larry Hamilton, UNH) Knowledge Broker Perspectives (Elena Sparrow, IARC/UAF)
ARCSS Synthesis Workshop: New Perspectives through Data Discovery and Modeling 2-4 April 2007, Bell Harbor Center, Seattle WA MODE OF EXECUTION: Plenary sessions for general discussion, reviews, and consensus-building Breakout sessions with teams focusing on -“worked science examples” - broad integrative and cross-cut topics Poster sessions and “beer time” Facilitation meetings of the OC, facilitators, ARCSS, breakout leads eParticipation: Plenary sessions video-streamed, online bulletin board MAJOR OUTPUT: Community-reviewed report on key issues, opportunities, challenges, lessons-learned, and ideas for steps forward - with specific recommendations to NSF on science investments
Breakout Discussions Tues AM, revisited on Wed AM: What ideal framework / data / modeling system could we build as a community w/o constraint? The What Tues PM, (re)visited Mon-Wed: What gaps, challenges, obstacles prevent us from attaining the vision now?…..what new research investments should be made? The How Monday PM: Three cross-disciplinary science themes… challenges & opportunities Worked Exs. You are here? Wed: Specific recommendations to NSF For the Report
Scientist Training Network ARCTIC SYSTEM SCIENCE COLLABORATORY Data & Modeling Support Centers Synthesis “Meeting Grounds” Arctic Virtual Outreach Center (AVOC) Science Outputs Policy, public information demands E-based curricula Synthesis Products
Proposed Outline for Report Executive Summary 1.Introduction: science wrapping (crafted over several years) 2.Motivation to think in new ways re data/modeling for synthesis, improved understanding, education, policy support major gaps/challenges/research needs links to ARCSS synthesis capitalizing on new developments in CI/IT, models, obs. 3.Framework and supporting material Creating a ARCSS Collaboratory w/ four main components: - ”Meeting grounds” for synthesis - Data and modeling facilitation center(s) - Scientist training network -Arctic Virtual Outreach Center 4.Value of an Arctic System Science Collaboratory Examples of topics that could benefit from such a frame (i.e. single/dual/multi-d “pillars”) 5.Specific recommendations (all linked!)
Moving ahead…. Findings from earlier events plus this workshop distilled, incorporated w/ additional text by OC as a draft document (late-June) Document to be reviewed by WS participants and community at large (late-July) Comments incorporated into final report text (early-August) Publication & submission to NSF (Sept) Preparing Report
“Dear Colleague” Letter (early-May) Open dialogue w/ NSF (and other agencies) (May) Engage NSF Cyberinfrastructure Directorate (May-June) Start embedding thinking into design of AON (May-June) Next WS on Implementation (????) Moving Initiative Forward More Generally