CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Overview of CensusInfo as Tool for Dissemination of Census Data.


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Presentation transcript:

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Overview of CensusInfo as Tool for Dissemination of Census Data

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Content of Presentation  2010 World Population and Housing Census Programme  What is CensusInfo  Main features of CensusInfo  How to define census indicators  Proposed tables/indicators for CensusInfo  Reports from CensusInfo  Development of the CensusInfo  CensusInfo website  Global CensusInfo

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May World Population & Housing Census Programme  Approved by the Statistical Commission at its 36th session in 2005 and adopted by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) by its resolution A/2005/13.  Recognizes population and housing censuses as one of the main sources of data for effective development planning and objective decision-making.

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May World Population & Housing Census Programme cont. Three essential goals are: 1.To agree on international principles and recommendations to conduct a census 2.To facilitate countries in conducting census at least once during the period To assist countries to disseminate census results in a timely manner

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 What is CensusInfo ?  CensusInfo is a software package for disseminating census data on CD-ROM and on the web  Developed by UNSD in partnership with UNICEF and UNFPA  Officially launched in February 2009 at the 40th session of the Statistical Commission  Available on-line for free

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Objective of CensusInfo “to disseminate the main tables and indicators on population and housing characteristics for the country as a whole and for geographical areas/administrative units that can be used for planning, management and evaluation of development programs “

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Main features of CensusInfo  a tool to disseminate population and housing census results on the web and on CD-ROM  presents indicators with map and graph facilities by date of census and different geographic levels, from regions to small geographic area  includes census topics and a suggested list of census tables/indicators with accompanying metadata  customized to meet country-specific census indicators  generates user-defined tables, graphs, maps and reports  import data from other software applications

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 How to define census tables/indicators Define indicators by taking into account:  Main results of the census on the smallest geographical level considering national priorities and international comparability  Monitoring indicators of international, national and sub- national development programs  Needs of the related national organizations and principal users (e.g. ministries, state planning office, local authorities, private sector organizations…)

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 How to define census tables/indicators cont. Organization of work:  Teamwork is necessary for well-designed census indicators  Demographers and other subject-matter specialists on education, labor force, disability, housing characteristics etc. should be involved in this process  The work should be organized by covering the results of all available censuses to provide time series information

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Data analysis and quality  Data quality, coverage should be checked before dissemination, for example by comparing to the results of other sources (household surveys/administrative registers) and/or previous censuses  In case of coverage or quality problem, alternative methods (indirect techniques, some adjustment) can be used to estimate concerned indicators

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Proposed tables/indicators for CensusInfo In order to help countries in setting up their own national tables/indicators  Census tables/indicators with accompanying metadata are derived from the core topics given in “United Nations Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Census, Rev 2.” by UNSD  Proposed tables/indicators should be disseminated by different geographical levels, such as regions, provinces, administrative units

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Census Topics  Population topics Geographical characteristics Internal migration characteristics International migration characteristics Household and family characteristics Demographic and social characteristics Fertility and mortality Educational characteristics Economic characteristics Disability characteristics  Housing topics

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Geographical characteristics  Place of usual residence/place where present at time of census Population by urban and rural (de jure/de facto) Proportion of population by urban and rural Annual population growth rate Population density

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Internal migration characteristics  Duration of residence Population by duration of residence (categories: less than 1 year, 1-4 years, 5-9 years and 10 and more years) Prop. of population by duration of residence  Migration number and rates in-migrants, out-migrants, net-migration in-migration rate, out-migration rate, net migration rate

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 International migration characteristics  Country of birth Foreign-born population by age Prop. of foreign-born population by age  Citizenship Foreign population by age Prop. of foreign population by age  Year or period of arrival Immigrants by period of arrival (categories: less than 1 year, 1-4 years, 5-9 years and 10 and more years) Prop. of immigrants by period of arrival

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Household and family characteristics  Size of households Households by size Proportion of households by size Average size of household  Household and family composition Households by type (one person, nuclear, extended, composite and other) Proportion of households by type

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Demographic and social characteristics  Sex Population by sex Prop. of population by sex Sex ratio  Age/age group Population by five-year age groups, (0-4, 5-9, 10-14, …, 100+) Prop. of population by five-year age groups Age dependency ratio: total, young, old  Marital status Population by marital status (never married, married, widowed, divorced and married but separated) and age Proportion of population by marital status and age

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Fertility and mortality  Fertility Average number of children ever born alive Births in the past 12 months by age of mother Crude birth rate Total fertility rate Age specific fertility rate  Deaths Deaths in the past 12 months by age Crude death rate Infant mortality rate Child mortality rate Life expectancy at birth

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Educational Characteristics  Literacy Literate population by age Adult literacy rate Literacy rate for youth Ratio of literate women to men for aged 15 to 24 years  School attendance Students by level of education Gross attendance ratio Net attendance ratio Ratio of girls to boys  Educational attainment Population by competed level of education Proportion of population by completed level of education

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Economic characteristics  Activity status Active population by age Activity rate by age Unemployed population by age Unemployment rate by age  Occupation Employed population by occupation Proportion of employed population by occupation  Industry Employed population by industry Proportion of employed population by industry

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Economic characteristics Cont.  Status in employment Employed population by status in employment Proportion of employed population by status in employment Proportion of own-account and contributing family workers Share of women in wage employment in the non- agricultural sector

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Disability characteristics  Disability status Population with disability by age Prop. of population with disability by age  Types of disability Population by types of disability (seeing, hearing, walking, cognition disability) Proportion of population by types of disability

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Housing characteristics  Type of living quarters  Occupancy status  Type of ownership  Number of rooms  Availability of kitchen  Bathing facilities  Types of toilet  Types of lighting  Fuel used for cooking  Main source for drinking water  Water supply system  Main types of solid waste disposal  Sewage disposal

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Sub-groups in CensusInfo  Sub-groups can be defined by considering followings Breakdowns that are expected to have significant variations for a specific topic, such as age, sex, urban/rural. Main categories of topic or indicator, such as duration of residence, major groups of occupation, types of living quarters.  There is no standard way of defining sub-groups

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Metadata  Metadata includes descriptive information about the data/indicators  Categories: Definition Classification Method of computation Geographical breakdown Comments and limitations

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Reports from CensusInfo  Report to replicate standard census table reports for different areas and time periods  Advanced reports to present tables, maps and graphs by geographic units to present the findings of census results by geographical units

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Thank You!

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Development of the software Main improvements in the software:  Data import module (a CSV file)  Metadata categories  Revisions for census terminology  Selection procedure of sub-groups  Report module Age pyramid Standard reports (profile reports by geographic units) User-defined reports Census atlas

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 CensusInfo website

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 CensusInfo website

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Global CensusInfo  Disseminates census indicators by country with map and graph facilities  Initially contains basic results of 2000 round of census results  More indicators gradually will be added with 2010 round census results

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010

CensusInfo Technical Support Egypt, 3-7 May 2010 Thank You