ELE22MIC Lecture 15 Applications of Parallel Input Output (I/O) 68HC11 Main Timer System Real Time Clock Interrupt Input Capture Output Compare 68HC11 Computer Operating Properly Pulse Accumulator
68HC11 Timer System (1) The HC11 Timer System is based on a free-running 16 bit counter with a four stage programmable pre-scaler. Three Independent Input Capture functions can be used to record the count when a transition is detected on inputs IC1, IC2, or IC3 Five Output Compare functions are included for generating software timing delays or output signals on pins OC1, OC2, OC3, OC4 and OC5
68HC11 Timer System (2) A programmable periodic interrupt circuit called Real Time Interrupt (RTI) A Computer Operating Properly (COP) watchdog function is also related to this timer circuit. There are over 6 x 1-byte registers, and 9 x double-byte registers associated with the Timer system
68HC11 Timer System (3) Timer Register Summary: TCNT - 2-byte Free Running Timer Counter Value TOCx/TICx - 8 x 2-byte TIC/TOC count registers 5 for Timer Ouput Compare & 4 Timer Input Capture (One shared TIC/TOC) TMSK1 - 1 byte - Timer Interrupt Enables TMSK2 - $1024 - PR0/PR1/RTI OPTION - $1039 - CR0/CR1 - Clock Pre-scaler CFORC - 1 x byte port for Force output compare TCTL2 - 1 x byte register for output port control OMx/OLx TFLG1 - 1 x byte flag register indicating state of comparisons
68HC11 Timer - PreScaler An E-Clock PreScaler divides by 1, 4, 8 or 16 This value is selected by writing to Bits PR0, PR1 of the TMSK2 register (at $1024). In normal modes the pre-scale rate may only be changed once within the first 64 bus cycles after reset.
68HC11 Timer - PreScaler Crystal Frequency vs clock Pre-Scaler
Free Running Counter - TCNT (1) The pre-scaled clock clocks a free-running counter, TCNT (= $100E..$100F) The TCNT Count Value can be read using the instructions: LDD $100E Reads all 16 Bits in one instruction. The Timer value is frozen during this instruction sequence. DONT read the timer with the following instruction sequence: LDAA $100E LDAB $100F as the counter will be incremented between the instructions
Free Running Counter - TOF (3) Timer Overflow Flag - TOF Bit 7 of TFLG2 register = $1025 TOF is Set when the timer counts from $FFFF -> $0. This can be used for extending the range of the count by incrementing a separate counter. TOF bit must be reset by writing a one to the TOF bit (bit-7 of the TFLG2 register).
Free Running Counter - TOI (3) A Timer Overflow Interrupt TOI = Bit 7 in TMSK2 register = $1024 TOI may be enabled to facilitate greater counter range under interrupt control. Refer Section 10.2 of HC11 Ref. Manual
Timer Output Compare - TOC (1) The five Output Compare pins can be used independently to create precise timing for time delays or external logic pulses. Each Output Compare Register is compared to the value in the 16 bit counter, and if equal, triggers its Timer Output Compare (TOCn) function.
Timer Output Compare (2) The output compare hardware can ensure that intervals and waveforms are not subject to jitter due to interrupt servicing routines
Timer Output Compare (3) TCTL2 $1020, OM2 & OL2 - select the relationship of Output Compare to Output Port Pin OMx OLx where x = 2..5 0 0 No Change 0 1 Toggle Pin state 1 0 Force Pin to 0 1 1 Force Pin to 1
TOC code (4) REGBAS EQU $1000 * Starting address for register block PORTB EQU $04 * Output port B TCNT EQU $0E * Free running counter (16 bit) TOC2 EQU $18 * OC2 register (16 bit) TCTL1 EQU $20 * OM2,OL2,OM3,OL3;OM4,OL4,OM5,OL5 TCTL2 EQU $21 * -,-,EDGlB,EDGlA,EDG2B,EDG2A,EDG3B, * EDG3A TMSK1 EQU $22 * OC1I,OC2I,OC3I,OC4I;OC51,IC1I,IC2I,IC3I TFLG1 EQU $23 *OC1F,OC2F,OC3F,OC4F;OC5F,IC1F,IC2F,IC3F TMSK2 EQU $24 * TOI,RTII,PAOVI,PAII;-,-,PR1,PR0 TFLG2 EQU $25 * TOF,RTIF,PAOVF,PAIF;-,-,-,- *** EVB Routine Addresses & Pseudo Vector Equates PVOC2 EQU $00DC EVB Pseudo Vector for OC2 ORG $2000 Start variables in RAM (upper half) HDLY RMB 2 Half-cycle delay (in 0.5mS increments)
TOC code (5) TOP5 LDS #$0047 * Top of User’s Stack area on EVB LDAA #$7E * Jump (extended) Opcode STAA PVOC2 * Pseudo Vector see manual text LDX #SV5OC2 * Address of OC2 service routine STX PVOC2+1 * Finish jump instruc to TOF svc LDX #REGBAS * Point to register block LDAA #%01000000 * OM2:OL2 = 0:1 STAA TCTL1,X * Set OC2 for toggle, on compare STAA TFLG1,X * Clear any pending,OC2F STAA TMSK1,X * Enable OC2 interrupts CLI * Enable Interrupts BRA * * Interrupt driven; sit here * Try varying hdly
TOC code (6) *** * SV5OC2 - Output Compare 2 Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) * * Called at each OC2 interrupt. SV5OC2 LDD HDLY * Get delay time for 1/2 cycle ADDD TOC2,X * Add HDLY to last compare value STD TOC2,X * Update OC2 (schedule next edge) BCLR TFLG1,X $BF * Clear OC2F RTI ** Return from OC2 service **
Timer Input Capture - TIC The three Input Capture pins can be used independently to measure period or pulse-width of the signal. Refer Section 10.1.2 of Motorola HC11 Reference Manual for detail.
68HC11 Timer System Input Capture Control - Edge Polarity
68HC11 Timer System The Input-Capture pin x can be configured to be sensitive to Capture disabled EDGxB = 0, EDGxA=0 Rising Edges EDGxB = 0, EDGxA=1 Falling Edges EDGxB = 1, EDGxA=0 Any Edge EDGxB = 1, EDGxA=1
Measuring Period (1) The period of a signal can be measured by counting cycles between two successive rising edges of an Input Capture pin. The time count on the free running timer TCNT can be configured to be latched on a rising edge of PortA2 = Pin IC1. The cpu can then poll the status register until IC1 has latched a value, then read and save this count value
Measuring Period (2) Next the cpu can wait until the next rising edge of IC1 latches the next value. The cpu can again poll the status register until IC1 has latched a value, then read and save this count value The difference in counts is the number of clock cycles elapsed. There is a minimum measurable period of 26 cycles due to the following software
Measuring Period - Code(3) * Ready to detect first rising edge BRCLR TFLG1,X $04 * Loop here until first edge detected LDD TIC1,X * Read time of first edge STD FIRSTE * Save first captured edge value LDAA #$04 STAA TFLG1,X * Clear IC1F before next edge * Ready to capture time of second edge BRCLR TFLG1,X $04 * Loop here until second edge detected LDD TIC1,X * Read time of second edge SUBD FIRSTE * 2nd - 1st -> D check for BCC NoWrap NEGD NoWrap: STD PeriodCyc * Save result (period in cycles) * Adapted from Motorola M68HC11 Reference Manual P10-18
Computer Operating Properly (1) The COP Watchdog is intended to detect software processing errors. When COP is enabled, the software is responsible for preventing a free-running watchdog timer from timing out. If the COP timer times out, this indicates that the software is no longer operating correctly, and so a system reset is initiated.
Computer Operating Properly (2) The OPTION register contains the CR1/CR0 bits used to set the COP Timer Rate Select Bits.
Computer Operating Properly (3) If the COP Watchdog is enabled, then the watchdog must be acknowledged within the time-out period to avoid being reset. The COP Watchdog is enabled if the NOCOP control bit in the CONFIG register is cleared. The CONFIG register is held in an EEPROM cell.
Computer Operating Properly (4) To acknowledge that the software is operating properly software must: 1. Write $55 to the COPRST register to arm the COP timer-clearing mechanism 2. Write $AA to the COPRST register which then clears the COP timer. This inhibits reset, and clears the COP timer to start another cycle. This process is called “servicing the COP timer”.
Computer Operating Properly (5) The COP service code should be placed in the main program in a place which can only be reached after normal program functioning is confirmed. As the COP timer is based on the MCU clock, the watchdog cannot detect errors that cause the MCU clock to SLOW or STOP altogether. A separate Clock Monitor Reset can be used to force reset if the MCU clock stops.
Computer Operating Properly (6) In the event that the MPU Latches-up, neither COP timeout nor Clock Monitor reset will reset the CPU. With CMOS latch-up, a parasitic thryristor is created. As with all thryristors, the main method to stop latch-up is to remove current - i.e. cycle the power off then on again. If your device must restart reliably after failure, a power cycling circuit may be required.
Reset Vectors vs Cause Bootstrap mode: In this mode a small on-chip ROM is enabled at address $BF40..BFFF. The reset vector is fetched from bootstrap ROM. The firmware checks the security option (no security if SMOD bit = 0), and accepts a 256 byte program through the Serial Communications Interface (SCI) then jumps to the program loaded at $0000 on the on-chip RAM. Refer Section 3.5.4 HC11 Reference Manual
Variable Speed Stepper Motor The next application we will look at is a Variable Speed Stepper Motor control The forward/reverse speed is controlled by a potentiometer connected to the ADC input The unsigned potentiometer value 0..255 is biased by 128 so that mid-way = 0 speed, 127 = full speed forwards, -127 = full speed reverse. The stepper motor coil activation sequence is controlled by four output lines of Port A
Pulse Accumulator The Pulse accumulator is an 8-bit counter configured to act as a simple event counter or for gated time accumulation. The Pulse accumulator can operate in one of two basic modes: Event Counting Gated time accumulation Refer Section 11 of Motorola HC11 Reference Manual for detail.
Pulse Accumulator Event Counting mode On each active edge of the PAI pin, the 8-bit counter is incremented.
Pulse Accumulator Gated Time Accumulation mode The 8-bit counter is clocked by a free-running E divided by 64 clock while PAI is active
Acknowledgments Images of the configuration registers, and some source code examples, are derived from the Motorola M68HC11 Reference Manual