Concept maps
a method to represent information visually we can better understand information in graphic form it is easier for our brain to make meaning What is a concept map: “A picture is worth a thousand words”
Types of concept maps spider maphierarchical map flow-chart
Hierarchical map zhierarchical map (allows dividing the problem into levels)
Flow chart zflow-chart (pictorial representation describing the process analysis; very useful when examining how various steps in the process work together)
Spider map zSpider map (organises information by placing the central theme or the unifying concept in the centre, outwardly radiating sub-themes around the centre of the map. These may be further developed into mind maps
Mind maps
make you understand the problem better help you structure the report A good concept map can:
Possible structure of a report: z Househlod waste yTypes (organic, hazardous, solid) yWaste treatment: xRecylcing (paper, metals) xwaste disposal: landfils (legal, illegal) xSpecial treatment (hazardous waste) xEnvironmental issues (Pollution, public awareness)