geography countrystateempirenation
SYSTEMS OF GOVERNMENT AAnarchy ['ænəki] CCapitalist ['kæpitəlist] CCommunist ['k ɔ mjunist] DDemocracy [di'm ɔ krəsi] DDictatorship [dik'teitə∫ip] FFederal government ['fedərəl] ['g ʌ vnmənt] MMonarchy ['m ɔ nəki] RRegional ['ri:d ʒ ənl] or local ['loukəl] RRepublic [ri'p ʌ blik] RRevolutionary government [,revə'lu:∫nəri] ['g ʌ vnmənt] TTotalitarian state [,toutæli'teəriən] [steit] TTransitional [træn'zi∫ənl]
Political organization Political party The opposition A coalition government The government
THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM Left wing Right wing In the centre the part of a political party whose members are most in favour of social change. the part of a political party whose members are least in favour of social change. political position or party, between the extremes of left-wing and right-wing parties Centre-left / left of centre Centre-right / right of centre
ELECTIONS 1.Vote (n) a formal choice that you make in an election or at a meeting in order to choose sb or decide sth (v) (for / against sb) to show formally by marking a paper or raising your hand which person you want to win an election, or which plan or idea you support. e.g. Did you vote for or against her? Voter (n) a person who votes or has the right to vote, especially in a political election Floating voter: (BrE) (AmE swing voter) noun a person who does not always vote for the same political party and who has not decided which party to vote for in an election
2. To elect (sb): to choose sb to do a particular job by voting for them e.g. She became the first black woman to be elected to the Senate. election (n) the process of choosing a person or a group of people for a position, especially a political position, by voting general election: an election in which all the people of a country vote to choose a government local election to hold an election
3. Campaign (n) a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular social, commercial or political aim campaign slogan campaign for a party / candidate
4. Referendum (n) [,refə'rendəm] ~ (on sth) an occasion when all the people of a country can vote on an important issue to hold a referendum
5. Poll (n) the process of voting at an election; the process of counting the votes e.g. Thursday is traditionally the day when Britain goes to the polls (= when elections are held). opinion poll: the process of questioning people who are representative of a larger group in order to get information about the general opinion
6. Constituency (n) [kən'stitjuənsi] a particular group of people in society who are likely to support a person, an idea or a product. e.g. There is a strong constituency of support for his proposal.