Japan International Cooperation Agency - Group Training - Pollution Controls for Hazardous Substances in the Environment - ( Osaka - Asia 3R Technology.


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Presentation transcript:

Japan International Cooperation Agency - Group Training - Pollution Controls for Hazardous Substances in the Environment - ( Osaka - Asia 3R Technology Support Project ) Date and time ; 10 : 00 am, Tuesday July 24, 2007 Place ; Chuo - tanimachi Building Subject ; Industrial waste disposal and the role of the Osaka Prefecture Industrial Waste Association Osaka Prefecture Industrial Waste Association Instructor ; Koichi TATSUNO Osaka Prefecture Industrial Waste Association Osaka Prefecture Industrial Waste Association

Session Ⅰ ; Summary of Industrial Waste Disposal in Japan

Classification of Waste and the Responsibility for Disposal Waste Industrial waste Specific controlled industrial waste Specific hazardous waste ( Sulfuric acid pitch ) General waste Specific controlled general waste ●Waste discharged from business from business activities activities ●21 items are specified in the “ Waste in the “ Waste Disposal Law ”, Disposal Law ”, including ash, sludge including ash, sludge, acid waste, alkali, acid waste, alkali waste, plastic waste, waste, plastic waste, etc. etc. ●Industrial waste that has an explosive that has an explosive, toxic, or infective, toxic, or infective nature nature ●Hazardous industrial waste including waste including volatile oil waste, volatile oil waste, strong acids, strong strong acids, strong alkalis, infective alkalis, infective industrial waste, industrial waste, PCBs, asbestos PCBs, asbestos waste, etc. waste, etc. ●Waste discharged from households from households ●Waste and over - sized waste that sized waste that dose not fall under dose not fall under the category of the category of industrial waste industrial waste Companies who discharge industrial waste (, or specific controlled industrial waste ) ●General waste that has an explosive, that has an explosive, toxic, or infective toxic, or infective nature nature ●Infective general waste, specific dust / waste, specific dust / ash / sludge, specific ash / sludge, specific PCB parts, etc. PCB parts, etc. Local governments in the area where the general waste (, or specific controlled general waste ) is discharged

Changes in Waste Disposal for Industrial and General Waste

The Responsibility of Discharging Companies ●For industrial waste produced by that company ; ① Disposed of by the company itself. ( Self - disposal ) ② Disposed of via a contract with an industrial waste disposer. ( Contractual disposal ) an industrial waste disposer. ( Contractual disposal ) < Issue an “ Industrial Waste Management Manifest ”. Conclude a written contract. Companies authorized by the prefectural governor, etc.

Authorization of Industrial Waste Disposers Industrial waste disposer Collection / transportation company Excluding trans - shipment and storage Including trans - shipment and storage Disposal company Intermediate treatment Final disposal Type of company Type of business Type of industrial waste ( 21 types )

Intermediate Treatment ●Volume reduction, detoxification and stabilization of industrial waste of industrial waste ② Incineration ① Crushing ③ Other methods →neutralization, dehydration, volume →neutralization, dehydration, volume reduction and solidification reduction and solidification

Final Disposal ●Returning industrial waste to nature ( Landfill ) Superior landfill standard ① Stabilized landfill ② Controlled landfill ③ Shielded landfill

Industrial Waste Treatment Process Dischargingcompany Intermediatetreatmentcompany Final disposal company Intermediate treatment residue Industrialwaste Collection / transportationcompany transportationcompany Recycledresource Industrial Waste Association

Industrial Waste Disposal by Treatment Process Industrial Waste Association Volume reduction 179,854,000 t ( 44 % ) Direct reuse 88,304,000 t ( 21 % ) Disposal 411,623,000 t ( 100 % ) Intermediatetreatment 307,965,000 t ( 75 % ) Direct final disposal 15,354,000 t ( 4 % ) Intermediate treatment residue 128,111,000 t ( 31 % ) Intermediate treatment residue recycled 113,025,000 t ( 27 % ) Intermediate treatment residue finally disposed 15,086,000 t ( 4 % ) Recycled 201,329,000 t ( 49 % ) Final disposal 30,440,000 t ( 7 % ) ●As of FY2003. Percentages are rounded, Percentages are rounded, and the sum may not equal and the sum may not equal 100 %. 100 %.

Session Ⅱ ; Role of the Osaka Prefecture Industrial Waste Association

Outline of the Osaka Prefecture Industrial Waste Association ③ Legal registration ; Public corporation under the Civil Law, article 34. ① Established ; March 17, 1988 ④ Major members ; Industrial waste disposers ( Refer to the table on the right. As of July 1, ) ( Refer to the table on the right. As of July 1, ) ② Purpose ; Maintenance of living environments, improvement of public health, effective use of resources effective use of resources Collection / transportationcompanyDisposalcompany(Intermediatetreatment)Disposalcompany(Finaldisposal)OtherTotalRegularmember Supportingmember ⑤ Office ; , Tanimachi, Chuo - ku, Osaka Osaka ●TEL ; ●TEL ; ●FAX ; ●FAX ; ●URL ; ●URL ;

Organization of the Osaka Prefecture Industrial Waste Association Young men’s association

Activities of the Osaka Prefecture Industrial Waste Association ① Research on the waste market, etc. ② Consultation on waste - related regulations ③ Publication of association bulletins, etc. ④ Cooperation with related municipal / local governments, etc. ⑤ Training and workshops on appropriate industrial waste disposal ⑥ Presentations at various waste-related exhibitions ⑦ Issuance of “ Industrial Waste Management Manifests ” and “ Collection / Transportation Vehicle ID Plates ” / Transportation Vehicle ID Plates ” ⑧ Educating citizens about environmental preservation Building a recycling - oriented society Appropriate waste disposal

Excerpts from Our Research Activities ② Survey of the actual conditions and system analysis of the “ Specialized Treatment Facility Certification System ” ( Germany ) ; FY2000 Facility Certification System ” ( Germany ) ; FY2000 ④ Verification / analysis to develop the “ Model Guidelines for Industrial Waste Disposers ” ( Osaka ) ; FY2002 Disposers ” ( Osaka ) ; FY2002 ⑥ Comparative system analysis regarding the “ Industrial Waste Tax Regulation ” ; FY2003 ; FY2003 ⑦ Development of the “ Cost Calculation Model for Industrial Waste Disposers ” ; FY2004 ; FY2004 ① Collection of opinions and system analysis in order to establish the “ Law Concerning Special Measures for Dioxin Contamination ” ; FY2000 Concerning Special Measures for Dioxin Contamination ” ; FY2000 ③ Development of the “ Manifest System Computerization Program ” ; FY2002 ⑧ Market analysis related to asbestos waste ; FY2005 ⑤ Research on how to manage the collection / transportation business as a transporter ; FY2003 transporter ; FY2003 ⑨ Research on an appropriate waste disposal system for natural disasters ; FY2005

Excerpts from Our Consultation Activities ① Waste classification and type ② Entity responsible for discharging industrial waste ③ How to dispose of industrial waste ( Legal standards for disposal ) ⑤ Contract assistance for industrial waste disposal ⑥ Issuance and application of the “ Industrial Waste Management Manifest ” ⑦ Preparation of legal accounts ⑧ Application assistance for authorization as an industrial waste disposer ⑩ Consultation on movements to revise the “ Waste Disposal Law ”, and the items to be revised to be revised ⑫ Support concerning the subsidy and lending mechanisms for research and development of industrial waste disposal and recycling technology, and for the development of industrial waste disposal and recycling technology, and for the construction of industrial waste disposal and recycling facilities construction of industrial waste disposal and recycling facilities ⑨ Operation and maintenance of industrial waste treatment facilities ④ Inquiries about industrial waste disposers ⑪ Corporate training for the industrial waste industry ⑬ Removal of illegal waste disposal ( Restoration to the original state )

Publication of Association Bulletins ( example ) ① “ Clean Life ” →Contents of No.30 →Contents of No.30 ●Summary of the “ Administrative Disposition Guidelines ( No dated August ●Summary of the “ Administrative Disposition Guidelines ( No dated August 12, 2005 ) ” 12, 2005 ) ” ●Reception standards of the Japan environment safety project - Osaka ●Reception standards of the Japan environment safety project - Osaka polychlorinated biphenyl waste treatment facility in the Kinki region, and authorization polychlorinated biphenyl waste treatment facility in the Kinki region, and authorization of collection / transportation of polychlorinated biphenyl waste of collection / transportation of polychlorinated biphenyl waste ●Activity reports ●Activity reports ●Osaka prefecture environmental health performance award ●Osaka prefecture environmental health performance award ●Introduction of new members ●Introduction of new members ●Data ●Data ・ Review of the present situation of industrial waste disposal and treatment ( FY2003 ) ・ Review of the present situation of industrial waste disposal and treatment ( FY2003 ) ・ Review of the present situation of illegal disposal of industrial waste ( FY2004 ) ・ Review of the present situation of illegal disposal of industrial waste ( FY2004 ) ・ Airborne asbestos waste disposal, including sprayed asbestos ・ Airborne asbestos waste disposal, including sprayed asbestos ② Other items →Contents of back issues in FY2005 →Contents of back issues in FY2005 ●“ Data Book on Asbestos Waste ” ●“ Data Book on Asbestos Waste ” ●“ Administrative Disposal Guidelines ( No ) ” ●“ Administrative Disposal Guidelines ( No ) ” ●“ Basic Principals of Industrial Waste ( 2nd Edition ) ” ●“ Basic Principals of Industrial Waste ( 2nd Edition ) ” ●“ Map of the Treatment / Disposal Facilities of Members ( FY2005 Version ) ” ●“ Map of the Treatment / Disposal Facilities of Members ( FY2005 Version ) ”

Excerpts of Cooperation with Related Governments ●Illegal industrial waste disposal prevention activities ① Education activities on the streets ① Education activities on the streets ② Environmental patrols ② Environmental patrols ③ General on - site inspections of discharging companies and industrial ③ General on - site inspections of discharging companies and industrial waste disposers waste disposers

Excerpts of Organizing Training and Workshops ① Workshop on the application for authorization as an industrial waste disposer, or specific controlled industrial waste disposer specific controlled industrial waste disposer ●New application ●New application ・ Course on industrial waste collection / transportation ・ Course on industrial waste collection / transportation ・ Course on industrial waste disposal ・ Course on industrial waste disposal ・ Course on specific controlled industrial waste collection / transportation ・ Course on specific controlled industrial waste collection / transportation ・ Course on specific controlled industrial waste disposal ・ Course on specific controlled industrial waste disposal ●Renewal ●Renewal ・ Course on industrial waste or specific controlled industrial waste collection / ・ Course on industrial waste or specific controlled industrial waste collection / transportation transportation ・ Course on industrial waste or specific controlled industrial waste disposal ・ Course on industrial waste or specific controlled industrial waste disposal ② Workshop for managers of specific controlled industrial waste ③ Workshop for companies that discharge industrial waste ( Scheduled in FY2006 ) ④ Industrial waste school ⑤ Training in the general cargo automobile transportation business ⑥ Workshop based on the collection / transportation improvement project ⑦ Tours of related facilities

Excerpts of Presentations at Various Exhibitions ① New environmental exhibition ② Environmental festival 21 ③ New earth global environmental technology exhibition technology exhibition ④ World water forum ( In the Osaka pref. booth ) booth )

“ Industrial Waste Management Manifest ” “ Collection / Transportation Vehicle ID Plate ” ① Industrial waste management manifest management manifest ② Collection / transportation vehicle ID plate vehicle ID plate 産 業 廃 棄 物 収 集 運 搬 車 (産業廃棄物処理業者名) (許可番号下6桁) (社)大阪府産業廃棄物協会

Excerpts from Educating Citizens on Environmental Preservation ●Industrial waste forum ① Student research meeting ① Student research meeting ② Panel discussion ② Panel discussion

Inter - Industry Cooperation of the Industrial Waste Association Hokkaido Industrial Waste Association Tochigi Pref. Industrial Waste Association Toyama Pref. Industrial Waste Association Shiga Pref. Industrial Waste Association Okayama Pref. Industrial Waste Association Saga Pref. Industrial Waste Association Aomori Pref. Industrial Waste Association Gunma Pref. Environmental Resources Preservation Association Ishikawa Pref. Industrial Waste Association Kyoto Pref. Industrial Waste Association Hiroshima Pref. Industrial Waste Association Nagasaki Pref. Industrial Waste Association Iwate Pref. Industrial Waste Association Saitama Pref. Industrial Waste Association Fukui Pref. Industrial Waste Association Osaka Pref. Industrial Waste Association Yamaguchi Pref. Industrial Waste Association Kumamoto Pref. Industrial Waste Association Miyagi Pref. Industrial Waste Association Chiba Pref. Industrial Waste Association Nagano Pref. Industrial Waste Association Hyogo Pref. Industrial Waste Association Tokushima Pref. Industrial Waste Disposal Association Oita Pref. Industrial Waste Disposer Association Akita Pref. Industrial Waste AssociationTokyo Association Gifu Pref. Ind. Environmental Preservation Association Nara Pref. Industrial Waste Association Kagawa Pref. Industrial Waste Association Miyazaki Pref. Industrial Waste Association Yamagata Pref. Industrial Waste Association Kanagawa Pref. Industrial Waste Association Shizuoka Pref. Industrial Waste Association Wakayama Pref. Industrial Waste Association Ehime Pref. Industrial Waste Association Kagoshima Pref. Industrial Waste Association Fukushima Pref. Industrial Waste Association Yamanashi Pref. Industrial Waste Association Aichi Pref. Industrial Waste Association Tottori Pref. Industrial Waste Association Kochi Pref. Industrial Waste Association Okinawa Pref. Industrial Waste Association Ibaragi Pref. Industrial Waste Association Niigata Pref. Industrial Waste Association Mie Pref. Industrial Waste Association Shimane Pref. Industrial Waste Association Fukuoka Pref. Industrial Waste Association - National Federation of Industrial Waste Management Associations 47 public corporations in every prefecture

End of the training. Thank you for your attention.