1 1 st M&E Network Forum Crowne Plaza Galleria Manila, Quezon City November 2011 M&E in the Philippines: Challenges and Prospects DDG Rolando G. Tungpalan National Economic and Development Authority
2 1.To discuss in-country context of M&E 2.To trace the progress of M&E in the Philippines through major timelines 3.To highlight existing challenges and identify possible future directions Presentation Outline/Objectives
3 Preliminaries
4 1.The imperative for results - achievement of development objectives - Managing for Development Results (MfDR)Managing for Development Results (MfDR) 2.Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) - Monitoring, Evaluation, M&E -Public Sector Management (PSM)Public Sector Management (PSM) 3.Country-led M&E - Ownership principle -Alignment to country systems Preliminaries
5 In-country M&E
6 M&E -at the National Level: NEDA, DBM -at the Sector Level: NEDA, DBM, IAs -at the Program/Project Level: NEDA, DBM, IAs Other Institutions -inter-agency bodies: ICC, NPMC, PIOs, DBCC -Departments: OP-PMS, DILG, DOF -Oversight: COA, Congress Institutions and Mandates
7 M&E through Major Timelines
8 Pre onwards Environment: Focus on selected major infrastructure projects and ODA-assisted projects Efficiency orientation Policies and initiatives: Public offices created to monitor major infrastructure projects funded by ODA (1960s-70s) Annual ODA Portfolio Review started in 1992
9 Pre onwards Environment: Results orientation at project level Policies and initiatives: Legislative and Cabinet-level issuances requiring report on project results and outcomes Several TA grants to build project results orientation and capacity
10 Pre onwards Environment: Sectoral orientation (ODA + local funds) Policies and initiatives: Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) Organizational Performance Indicator Framework (OPIF) Major Final Outputs (MFOs) Sector Efficiency and Effectiveness Review (SEER) Strategic Planning Matrices (SPM)
11 Pre onwards Environment: International agreements on aid and development effectiveness Policies and initiatives: Philippine Harmonization Committee and its Action Plan Joint analytic works and review activities Use of strengthened country systems
12 Pre onwards Environment: Focus on integrating various results- based management tools and systems Good governance, transparency, internal controls, accountability Policies and initiatives: Integrated results framework: MfDR in the RD Sector Linking PDP-RM-OPIF
13 Project Level/ Focus on ODA Sectoral/ Total Investment Input- Output M&E Results M&E Project Level Input-Output M&E Sectoral Input-Output M&E Project Level Results M&E Integrated Sectoral RME Framework
14 Integrated Results Framework NarrativeOVIMOV Goal Purpose Output Input PDP RM Statistical/ Evaluation reports, SER Sector Outcomes Agency MFOs OPIF SER, BPAR, ODA Review, SEER PIP, GAA, CAS 14
15 Challenges and Future Directions
16 1.Institutional coordination - horizontal and vertical integration 2.Use of performance information for decision-making - quality and timing of information - management information systems inter- linkages - feedback to planning, budgeting, implementation Challenges
17 3.Capacity Development - varying capacities at various levels 4.Conduct of Evaluations - depth (cluster, thematic, impact, etc.) - frequency and coverage - independence 5.Resource Constraints Challenges
18 1.Continuing work on PDP-RM-OPIF linkage - Sectoral RMs, Cascaded RMs - refinement of indicators 2.Enhanced M&E Frameworks/Plans - institutions, resources, reporting mechanisms 3.Engagement with various stakeholders - CSOs, Congress and Academe - Evaluation Networks, COPs Moving Forward
19 4.National Evaluation Framework - standards, operating procedures - development of evaluation capacities 5.Involvement in the conduct of evaluation - opportunities for joint evaluation 6.Using knowledge generated through evaluation - for accountability and for learning Moving Forward
20 1 st M&E Network Forum Crowne Plaza Galleria Manila, Quezon City November 2011 M&E in the Philippines: Challenges and Prospects DDG Rolando G. Tungpalan National Economic and Development Authority
Managing for Development Results (MfDR) MfDR is a management strategy focused on development performance and on sustainable Improvements in country outcomes. It provides a coherent framework for development effectiveness in which performance information is used for improved decision making, and it includes practical tools for strategic planning, risk management, progress monitoring, and outcome evaluation MfDR Focus the dialogue on results Use results information for learning and decision- making Align programming, monitoring and evaluation with results Manage for, not by, results Keep measurement and reporting simple back
Public Sector Management PLAN FOR RESULTS President’s Guidepost (16 areas for transformative leadership) PDP RM PIP PLAN FOR RESULTS President’s Guidepost (16 areas for transformative leadership) PDP RM PIP BUDGET FOR RESULTS MTEF OPIF GAA-NEP ABM ICC Programming- only FAPs consistent with plan are approved BUDGET FOR RESULTS MTEF OPIF GAA-NEP ABM ICC Programming- only FAPs consistent with plan are approved IMPLEMENT FOR RESULTS Agency PAPs ICC Reevaluation IMPLEMENT FOR RESULTS Agency PAPs ICC Reevaluation MONITOR RESULTS ODA Review BPAR RM/ OPIF Monitoring OPES COA Audit Reports MONITOR RESULTS ODA Review BPAR RM/ OPIF Monitoring OPES COA Audit Reports EVALUATE RESULTS SER MDG Reports EVALUATE RESULTS SER MDG Reports Results back