Bespoke Nationalism How complexity permits ethnic nationalists and multiculturalists to rub along together Eric Kaufmann, Birkbeck College, University of London
Complexity Theory Order from chaos Higher level coordination emerges from uncoordinated lower-level actions Feedback loops Small changes big effects and vice-versa, i.e. tipping points System adapts to new environments Multiple equilibria Examples: market, forest, city
Al Qaeda Coordinated from Afghanistan or uncoordinated cells inspired by the brand? As Self-organizing network (Bousquet 2009) Feedback loop from symbolic attacks which inspire others Different interpretations Adapts to local circumstance and information Hard to defeat Gangs and crime syndicates similar (Klein and Maxson 2006; Williams 2001)
Complexity and Nationalism Order from chaos/Higher level coordination emerges from uncoordinated lower-level actions State makes the nation from top down and centre out? Production only? Or do consumers shape the product Gradual diffusion or sudden shifts? At best, Hroch’s A-B-C trajectory plus some sense of Smith’s ‘popular resonance’
What about market, associations, families? ‘Everyday nationalism’ (Deloye) ‘banal nationalism’ (Billig) popular nationalism (Sidel on Philippines; Kammen/O’Leary on USA) Role of locale: ‘Heimat’ version of nation (Confino, Applegate, Zimmer)
What of the birds themselves? Lenses of nationhood (Kaufmann 2008; Zimmer 2003; Hutchinson 2005)
Other Aspects of CAS Feedbacks: State to public/market/associations, and back. Not a structure, a growth Network effects: some innovations pertaining to national identity can spread ‘virally’ from below, but with isolated pockets Response to environment, adaptation: individuals and groups, not just state. Local versions of the nation
Tipping Points in Nationalism
Role of rumour and spontaneity in nationalist violence
Political Theory of Nationalism Multiculturalism (Kymlicka, Taylor, Modood) Individualism (Rawls, Nozick) Liberal Nationalism (Tamir, Miller)
Localism Idea of localism seen as an answer to the problems of complexity Notion of market / ‘wisdom of crowds’ Resource Mobilisation Theory: parties or social movements which are branch/constituency-based more adaptable Federalism, devolution, subsidiarity in policy
Multiculturalism as National Identity MC has symbolic, political, economic implications MC in Europe – few political group rights, economic quotas Mainly a symbolic issue
Constructive Ambiguity Agreement wording is ambiguous Sold differently to each side Leaders allow each side to believe the deal favours them
Bespoke Nationalism Current vogue for integrationist civic nationalism alienates multiculturalists, individualists, ethno-nationalists Can we placate all? Tailor-made nationalism Wide range of lenses on the nation tolerated and validated Ambiguity from leaders