Coaching/Planning Session
Reality Check How are things now? - Concrete facts about present situation - Understanding our starting point What is the situation right now? What have you tried already? Who else is involved in this situation/goal?
Options What are the potential solutions? -Think creatively; listen don’t suggest What are five potential solutions? If you had unlimited resources, what would your try? Who else can help? What have you seen others do that might work for you?
1. Basic Event Info Discuss what community issue you’d like to explore with this event, decide what type of event you’d like to present, create a title, and choose a date. How do we pull this all together?
2. Time to Plan! With this sheet, you’ll be planning intentionally for what to do BEFORE, AT, and AFTER the event.
3. Let’s start with Direct Outreach Brainstorm ways your League can use direct outreach BEFORE, AT, and AFTER your event to recruit new members.
4. Do the same for allied and media outreach – then leadership development.
Next steps: Let’s complete the R and O columns for your membership goal and leadership development goal Let’s use the Event Planning Checklist to intentionally plan out how to implement the options (our action steps) for reaching our goals
Trying it on… How does this process feel? Can you see how this might be adopted in your League? Any options to share?
What about the W? How do we build “will”? How do we get others to assist us in reaching the goals outlined today?
Will How can we turn our preferred “option” into action steps? - Concrete plans; high “buy-in” Which option do you want to pursue? What step could be taken this week? This month? What will you commit to doing? Who else will we enlist?
Is it higher than an 8? How do we measure will? If the perfect outcome is a 10, where are we now? On a scale of 1 to 10, what’s the motivation to do this?
Completing the GROW model…
Get your Board onboard! How and when will you share information with your Board?
Tips on Leading Change
Honoring our past…
Change and Transition Change is “Situational” New Program New Team Roles New Policy Transition is “Psychological” The process people go through to come to terms with the new situation
Rally around a common goal
What if your League had MORE members?
Impact of tone… language “We can’t find anyone to do XX, and I’m too tired to do it again. Do you want to join us and help?” “I’ve loved all the great people I’ve met and skills I’ve acquired in the League. I think you’d find it rewarding too. Would you like to join me for the next event to see what it is all about?”
“W” Talk with your coach about the “W” column.
Next Steps… What about the M & E in our model? That is where the coaching relationship continues. Using the calls to monitor and evaluate.
Supporting you… State Coach National Coach Forums Each other Binder
After the training... Monthly coaching conversation with your state coach Provide opportunities to grow the League Check up on your upcoming events Talk through challenges Focus on membership and leadership
How can I make the calls effective? Pick a standard time and date (2:00pm ET on the first Wednesday of the month) Speak with your state coach in the first two weeks of the month Participate fully
Ready, set, go! Set up your first call with your state coach NOW Pick a time that works for the whole team Get ready to make it a regular call-time
Leverage other opportunities Training opportunities via Webinar from LWVUS Subscribe to the League Update & state mailing list (if available) Build a library of monthly guidance (from your coach each month)
Other logistics… Expense forms Evaluation Press template & photo Updated participant list (if needed)
Thanks for all you do!!!
Going forth… What is your #1 takeaway from today? What will you implement first?