2 IDAHO BUREAU OF HOMELAND SECURITY STAFFDirector Colonel Brad RichyColonel Brad Richy IDEOC Manager Fred AbtFred Abt Area Field Officer Dale NalderDale Nalder Recovery Manager Don TaylorDon Taylor Main Phone: (208) Fax: (208) All s:
3 Local disaster declaration and specific request for assistance * Local disaster declaration and specific request for assistance * Designated Agent Contact Designated Agent Contact REQUESTING STATE DISASTER ASSISTANCE *When overwhelmed, local entity requests go to the county. The county declares and, when overwhelmed, requests assistance from the state. When the state is overwhelmed, it will declare and request assistance from the President (FEMA).
DAMAGE ASSESSMENT “Damage Assessment Gateway to Recovery” The handbook and associated forms are available on BHS’s website SELECT:,, 4
5 State Governments State Governments Local Governments Local Governments Indian Tribal Governments Indian Tribal Governments Special Taxing Districts Special Taxing Districts School Districts School Districts Certain Private Non-Profit Organization (critical infrastructure) Certain Private Non-Profit Organization (critical infrastructure) ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS
6 ELIGIBLITY FOR REIMBURSEMENT Local declaration Local declaration State declaration State declaration Request for specific assistance Request for specific assistance State review and approval of request State review and approval of request Signed project/mission agreement Signed project/mission agreement 50% state cost share 50% state cost share
7 Emergency Work Debris Removal (State Only) Emergency Protective Measures Fire Fighting Activities (Federal Only) Cannot be permanent work ELIGIBLE WORK
8 Must be located within a disaster declared county Must be the legal responsibility of the applicant Is required as a result of the state declared disaster event ELIGIBLE WORK (cont)
9 Must occur during the incident period: State Declaration ID-XX-XXXX 15 August – TBD Federal Declaration FMAG-XXXX 18 September – 26 September, 2012 ELIGIBLE WORK (cont)
10 ELIGIBLE WORK (cont) Must be deemed an “extraordinary” and not routine expense Must be imminent threat /emergency repairs Must not be the responsibility of a federal agency with authority and responsibility to fund the work
11 ELIGIBLE WORK (cont) Damage must have occurred during the event incident period Must comply with state and local requirements for procurement
REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION Attendance Sheet Attendance Sheet Request of Assistance Request of Assistance State WebEOC State WebEOC FMAG FMAG Designation of Applicant Agent Designation of Applicant Agent W-9 W-9 12
13 Questions & Answers
14 BREAK Next: Kick Off Meeting
PROJECT/MISSION ADJUSTMENTS, CHANGES OR AMENDMENTS Review BHS/applicant accepted PDF on WebEOC mission board Review BHS/applicant accepted PDF on WebEOC mission board Applicant needs to accept in WebEOC Applicant needs to accept in WebEOC Utilize WebEOC and project agreement template for change submissions Utilize WebEOC and project agreement template for change submissions Identify current items that are to be changed and only address items to be changed Identify current items that are to be changed and only address items to be changed Provide supporting justification Provide supporting justification 16
17 FORCE ACCOUNT LABOR & FRINGE BENEFITS Permanent Employees: Overtime only Temporary Employees: All costs ELIGIBLE COSTS
18 ELIGIBLE COSTS (cont) FORCE ACCOUNT EQUIPMENT FORCE ACCOUNT EQUIPMENT Applicant-Owned: The state uses FEMA equipment rates unless applicant established rates are lower Applicant-Owned: The state uses FEMA equipment rates unless applicant established rates are lower
19 ELIGIBLE COSTS (cont.) FORCE ACCOUNT MATERIALS & SUPPLIES FORCE ACCOUNT MATERIALS & SUPPLIES Used at applicant’s net cost Used at applicant’s net cost CONTRACTED SERVICES CONTRACTED SERVICES Reasonable and necessary for scope of work Reasonable and necessary for scope of work State & local procurement laws apply State & local procurement laws apply Pre-event contracts Pre-event contracts Emergency contracts Emergency contracts
DONATED SERVICES/MATERIALS Document similar to all categories Document similar to all categories Who Who What What When When Where Where With what equipment With what equipment Potentially worth 50% of value Potentially worth 50% of value 20
21 BHS Disaster Cost Reimbursement Workbook Copies (not originals) FORCE ACCOUNT LABOR Timecards Payroll records Payroll policy (OT pay & compensatory time) DOCUMENTATION
22 FORCE ACCOUNT EQUIPMENT FORCE ACCOUNT EQUIPMENT Equipment logs with operator information (must have matching timecard and payroll record) Equipment logs with operator information (must have matching timecard and payroll record) DOCUMENTATION (cont) Needs to have an associated operator, timecard and payroll record to help us match (e.g. Operator and equipment numbers). It is critical to track during the disaster who, where, and with what…
23 RENTED EQUIPMENT RENTED EQUIPMENT Purchase orders and invoices with equipment detail Purchase orders and invoices with equipment detail Proof of payment Proof of payment DOCUMENTATION (cont) Critical to track during the disaster who, where, and with what…
24 CONTRACTED WORK CONTRACTED WORK Purchase orders and invoices Purchase orders and invoices Contracts Contracts Proof of payment Proof of payment (cont) DOCUMENTATION (cont)
REVIEW OF COST REIMBURSEMENT WORKBOOK Spreadsheet and supporting information is available on Disk. Spreadsheet and supporting information is available on Disk. 25
CONTRACTOR DEBARMENT VERIFICATION Verify contractor debarment through Verify contractor debarment through Search entity name and print search results; submit with reimbursement package 26
27 RECORD RETENTION Maintain records for three years 3 years after closeout of the disaster and/or after resolution of any audit findings or legal actions OR your local requirement, which ever is longer.
28 Questions & Answers