By: Ema and Carly
1517:Reformation 1642:English Civil War Begins 1687:Newton’s theory of gravity 1754:7 Years War 1776:American Revolution 1789:French Revolution-July 14(Bastille Day)
The explosion of scientific knowledge and technology. Galileo, Newton, Harvey, Leeuwenhoek
Francis Bacon: English philosopher, promoted scientific method. Rene Descartes: “I think therefore I am.” Truth found through reason Locke: Natural rights, right to overthrow Montesquieu: Checks and Balances
Voltaire: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Hobbes: Leviathon-people agree to absolute monarch to avoid chaos. Immanuel Kant: physical and spiritual worlds are separate, reason cannot explain God. Rousseau: Humans are naturally good.
Brought on from Scientific Revolution People began to think nature followed rules. “Dare to know” Use reason to answer all questions.
Natural law: universal moral law to be found through reason. Pacifism: assembly of nations to settle disputes-calm Deism: natural place in orderly universe- less “churchy” no relationship w/ God The Social Contract: “Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains.” The right to rule belongs to the people. Romanticism: emphasis on weird, unusual, bizarre things.