Chapter 16 Sec 1 – Chapter 20 Sec 2 & 4
Little difference between science and magic Truth based upon Greek & Roman thought and the Bible. However, the Bible primary authority. European scholars start to question ideas of ancient thinkers & the church by observing nature for themselves. Roger Bacon one of the first
Concept that earth is the center of the universe Moon, Sun and planets all moved in perfect circular patterns around earth Fixed stars with the Heaven beyond Based on common sense observations God placed the earth in the center for life to take place
Scientific Revolution: A new way of thinking about the natural world. Based upon observations of the natural world and willingness to question beliefs. Observation and experimental data. Need better tools and techniques. Barometer, telescope, thermometer Used Mathematics and related experiments to verify results Becomes Scientific Method
Impact of the Crusades Exposed Europe to Muslim advances Astronomy, Physics, and Mathematics Impact of Exploration New discoveries = possibility of new truths Printing Press helps spread challenging ideas
Need for better instruments Navigation and geographic measurements. Scientific instruments Observations that did not agree with ancient beliefs Desire to know more than what seemed to be the “limit”
Sun-centered theory - Heliocentric Nicolaus Copernicus- Astronomer Old Greek theory – Sun is the center. After 25 years observation determines stars and planets revolve around the sun. Contradicted religious views – So discovery was not published until much later – 1543.
Johannes Kepler- Mathematician Provided proof that Copernicus was correct. Mathematical laws govern the movements of the planets in an elliptical orbit, not in circles. Not easily accepted, God created universe
Galileo : Made many significant advances for science Built a better telescope to better observe far off objects Determined that not all heavenly objects revolved around the earth. Church asked him not to defend idea that earth moves around the sun. Later brought before Roman Inquisition ‘vehemently’ suspect of heresy Imprisoned, later changed to house arrest Cleared by the Vatican in 1992
Contradicted the bible Psalm 93:1, 96:10, & 1 Chronicles 16:30 "the world is firmly established, it cannot be moved." Psalm 104:5 "the LORD set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved." Ecclesiastes 1:5 "And the sun rises and sets and returns to its place" etc. If people believed the church could be wrong about the nature of the universe, they could question other church teachings as well. Could lose members Could lose funds
Advances of Galileo: Law of pendulum each swing takes same amount of time Falling objects accelerate at a fixed & predictable rate Telescope 3x magnification Later up to 32x magnification Discovered moons orbiting Jupiter Rings around Saturn Observed sunspots Observed mountains and craters on moon Observed the Milky Way
Question – Based on observationHypothesis – Unproved assumption Test Hypothesis – Experiment/DataAnalyze/Interpret –Draw ConclusionConfirm/Disprove Hypothesis A logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas
Francis Bacon Used science to generate a practical knowledge to improve people’s lives Empiricism use experiments or observational data to find conclusions Urged other scientists to experiment as well Died as a result of one of his experiments Attempt to use snow to preserve meat Came down ill after stuffing a bird with snow
Rene Descartes Relied on mathematics and logic Used strict reasoning to arrive at other basic truths Observation, experimentation, with general laws expressed mathematically will explain the natural world. Everything should be doubted until proved by reason I think, therefore I am. The only thing know for certain was self-existence Developed analytical geometry. Mathematics: The basis of understanding and explaining the natural world
Scientific Instruments New tools = precise observations and measurements Microscope Invented by Zacharias Janssen (Dutch, 1590) Bacteria observed in 1670 Antoni van Leeuwenhoek - Dutch Red blood cells observed Life did not spawn spontaneously (maggots, etc)
Barometer Invented by Torricelli (1643) Galileo’s student Measures atmospheric pressure Used to predict weather changes Thermometer Gabriel Fahrenheit (1714, Dutch) made the first mercury thermometer Water freezes at 32*, boils at 212* Anders Celsius (1742, Swede) created another scale for the mercury thermometer Water freezes at 0*, boils at 100*
Dissection: Middle Ages Human anatomy based upon Greek physician Galen Galen based his thoughts upon the anatomy of animals (pigs) Vesalius (Flemish) : Pioneered the study of Anatomy dissected human corpses, wrote seven volume work ‘On the Fabric of the Human Body ‘ Detailed drawings of human organs, bones and muscle and how they work together in the body. Proved that many of Galen’s assumptions were wrong.
William Harvey : showed that the heart acted as a pump to circulate blood described the function of blood vessels. Wrote “On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals.” Edward Jenner : introduced vaccination for small- pox using cow-pox Practice had previously existed in Asia
Elements: Aristotle Four elements: earth, air, fire, and water Robert Boyle Founder of modern Chemistry Used Scientific Method Challenged Aristotle’s idea Matter made up of smaller particles joined together in different ways. Boyle’s Law – Explains how the volume, temperature and pressure of gas affect each other Most important contribution to chemistry Joseph Priestley and Antoine Lavoisier Separated gas from air – Gas named oxygen.
Gottfried Liebnitz Developed calculus – but independently of Newton. Invented the Binary System Basis for all computer architectures Philosophy Optimism – Idea that God created the best possible world and always chooses the best
Isaac Newton: Explained laws of motion All physical objects were affected equally by the same forces Disproved Aristotle’s idea that one set of physical laws governed the earth and another set governed the rest of the universe Law of universal gravitation Every object in the universe attracts every other object The degree of attraction depends on the mass/distance of the objects Wrote Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (Principia) one of the most important scientific books ever written Gravitation and laws of motion Universe is a giant clock All the parts work together perfected in a way that could be expressed mathematically Believed that God was the creator of this orderly universe and the clock-maker that set everything into motion