Spanish-American War Causes Key Events Effects
Ethics: Spanish Misrule in Cuba
A Moral Cause? Valeriano Weyler’s “Reconcentration” Policy
“Yellow Journalism” & Jingoism Joseph Pulitzer William Randolph Hearst Hearst to Frederick Remington: You furnish the pictures, and I’ll furnish the war!
We’re insulted: De Lôme Letter de Lôme, Spanish Ambassador to the U.S. Criticized President McKinley: "...he is weak and catering to the rabble and, besides, a low politician who desires to leave a door open to himself and to stand well with the jingos of his party."
Theodore Roosevelt Assistant Secretary of the Navy Imperialist and American nationalist. Criticized President McKinley Resigns his position to fight in Cuba.
The “Rough Riders”
We’re “attacked!” Remember the Maine and to Hell with Spain! Funeral for Maine victims in Havana
The Spanish-American War (1898): “That Splendid Little War”
Dewey Captures Manila!
The Treaty of Paris: 1898 Cuba was freed from Spanish rule. Spain gave up Puerto Rico and the island of Guam. The U. S. paid Spain $20 mil. for the Philippines. The U. S. becomes an imperial power!
Cuban Independence? Senator Orville Platt Platt Amendment (1903) 1. Cuba can’t make any alliances. 1. Cuba can’t make any alliances. 2. The U.S. can get involved if Cuba has problems. 2. The U.S. can get involved if Cuba has problems. 3. Cuba must lease Guantanamo Bay to the U.S. 3. Cuba must lease Guantanamo Bay to the U.S.
Our “Sphere of Influence”
The Debate about the Philippines ► The Philippines can be a considered a vital link in chain of military bases that will one day encircle the globe to protect American strategic and commercial interests (Mahan). ► We are planting in those islands imperishable ideas. We are planting the best traditions, the best characteristics of Americanism in such a way that they can never be removed from that soil (MacArthur)
A little background… ► After the capture of Manila, we used Aguinaldo’s troops to help lead a revolt against Spain. ► The Filipinos were so successful, they had captured most of the country & issuing their own Declaration of Independence. ► We did not acknowledge the existence of the Philippine Republic.
The “Philippine American War” begins ► 250,000 Filipinos were killed, 4,200 US Soldiers were killed (More than 10 times the number in the SPAM war). ► Faced with guerrilla warfare, the US begins to resettle populations in concentration camps, burn villages, and mass killings of suspected rebels. ► Moro Massacre
The response ► DuBois said…”it was the most illuminating things I have ever seen. I want especially to have it framed and put upon the walls of my room to impress upon the students what Wars and especially Wars of Conquest really mean.”
The American Anti-Imperialist League Founded in Mark Twain, Andrew Carnegie, William James, and William Jennings Bryan among the leaders. Campaigned against the annexation of the Philippines and other acts of imperialism.
Philippines as a US Territory ► William H. Taft was governor ► Introduced English as primary language and developed schools and infrastructure ► Removed Catholicism as state religion ► Jones Act ► In 1916 promised autonomy and eventual self-government, awarded after WW2.